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This photo is not directly related to the article (123RF)

This photo is not directly related to the article (123RF)

A hometown angler caught a $50,000-tagged salmon in the Seward, Alaska, Silver Salmon Derby.

Michael Rogers, 64, landed one of a handful of tagged fish Saturday, the Anchorage Daily News reported.

“I‘ve been fishing this derby since it started pretty much, since I was a little kid. I’ve won quite a few prizes, but this is the first major one,” Rogers told the Daily News in a telephone interview.

Rogers said things weren‘t going his way at first, but then he changed things up and started catching salmon.

When he returned to derby headquarters, Rogers said he was told one fish could be worth anywhere from $100 to $50,000.

“I had to sit in the derby office for a while and fill out paperwork, and finally they handed me an envelope,” Rogers said. “All the women in there sat around me with and had pictures taken with me and then they said, ’OK, you can open it now.‘ And there was another envelope inside that one. So then I opened that one up and it says $50,000. It was quite a shock.”

The Daily News said it was the second time in the derby’s 57-year history that a $50,000 tagged fish was caught. The first one was caused in 2003. (UPI)

<관련 한글 기사>

한방에 5500만원! ‘대박’ 낚은 강태공

미국 알래스카 주 수어드(Seward)에서 열린 은연어낚시대회(Silver Salmon Derby)에서 한 낚시꾼이 한 마리에 무려 5만불에 달하는 연어를 낚아 화제다.

64세의 낚시꾼인 마이클 로저스가 지난 토요일 은연어낚시대회에서 낚아 올린 생선들 가운데 한 마리가 무려 5만달러(한화 약 5천6백만원)에 달하는 연어가 포함된 것으로 밝혀졌다고 이 지역의 앵커리지데일리뉴스가 보도했다.

로저스는 어릴 적부터 꾸준히 낚시를 하면서 몇 번이고 상금을 탄 적은 있었지만 이정도 ‘대박’이 터진 적은 처음이라고 데일리뉴스와의 전화인터뷰에서 말했다.

그는 낚시가 끝난 후 대회본부 사무소에서 그 연어가 5만달러에 상당한다는 것을 듣고는 대단히 놀랐다고 밝혔다.

이 지역의 낚시대회인 은연어낚시대회의 57년 역사 가운데 이 정도의 가치가 나가는 생선이 낚인 것은 지난 2003년을 제외하고는 유일하다고 데일리뉴스는 밝혔다. (코리아헤럴드)