A study found that orange juices help become more beautiful.
The research conducted by 200 beauty industry workers shows that a daily glass of orange juice improves skin, hair and nails because of the containments like vitamin C, potassium and folic acid.
Yellow pigments of vitamin C help reducing sun-induced skin damage and improving elasticity of the skin.
“Beauty experts are starting to see the benefits of a glass of this nutrient packed product, realizing it isn’t just what you put on your body but what you put into it too,” said Amanda Ursell, a nutritionist.
The research also shows that two thirds of beauty professionals recommended to drink a glass of juice a day for current beauty routine.
(From News reports)
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미용 산업 종사자 200여명이 참여한 이 연구는 오렌지 주스를 매일 한 잔씩 마시는 것은 피부와 모발, 손톱 등에 도움을 주는데 그 이유는 오렌지 주스에 들어 있는 첨가물 때문인 것으로 알려졌다.
특히, 비타민 씨의 천연 색소는 태양광으로 인해 생기는 피부트러블을 줄이고 피부에 탄력을 주는데 효과적이라고 한다.
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