Seoul Metropolitan Government on Thursday unveiled a plan to install solar panels on around 10,000 buildings, schools and houses by 2014.
The city aims to increase the use of photovoltaic energy to 320 megawatts of electricity by that year.
Half of the energy will be generated from rooftops or idle facilities of public offices and schools, while the other half from private buildings and houses.
The city will also make an online solar map that shows the expected generating capacity of the solar power and whether buildings and houses can be equipped with photovoltaic facilities.
The metropolitan government will provide financial assistance to home owners who install solar equipment that generates three kilowatts or less.
A low-interest loan will be available for those who install solar equipment with a capacity of 150 kilowatts or less.
This effort is in line with Mayor Park Won-soon’s plan to save energy equivalent to the electricity generated from one nuclear power plant.
The mayor’s plan includes installing hydrogen fuel cells in hospitals and on trains, building more energy efficient offices, using light emitting diodes, and expanding car sharing programs.
By Kim Young-won (wone0102@heraldm.com)