An American girl was charged with murdering her younger sister after shooting her during a quarrel over a cell phone.
(A scene from Fox News)
Elena Rendell, 17, shoot at her 14-year-old sister, Christina, on the neck with a 9 mm pistol after they had an argument at their home in Pensacola, Florida. Elena went out and asked for help from neighbors. The victim was taken to hospital but she was declared dead 10 hours later. She was initially charged with aggravated battery. It is said that she will be charged as an adult because she used a firearm. Elena’s brother, Jason, pleaded the judge to release the girl saying, “She listens to me. She respects me. I can deal with her,” according to the Daily Mail.
By Kang Yoon-seung ( Intern reporter
미국의 한 소녀가 동생과 휴대폰을 놓고 언성을 높이다가 총을 발사하는 참사가 발생했다.
올해 17세인 Elena Rendell양은 집에 있던 구경 9mm 권총을 동생 Christina양의 목에 겨누어 발사한 혐의로 체포되었다.
최초에는 특수폭행 혐의로 검거되었으나, 사건 발생 10시간 후 동생이 병원에서 사망하자 살인으로 기소되었다. Elena양은 미성년자임에도 불구하고 총기류를 가지고 있었기 때문에 성인과 동일하게 처벌이 내려질 방침이다.
한편, Elena의 친 오빠 Jason씨는 동생은 원래 말을 잘 듣고 자신이 잘 보살필 수 있다며 선처를 호소했다.