This is a regular feature introducing associations and clubs for expats. This week, Expat Living spoke to Whit Altman of the Gwangju Running Club ― Ed. Name of Club: Gwangju Running Club
Location(s): Gwangju
Number of members: 104, 5-20 runners show up each week
Started: May 2007
Who is it for? It is for any person in Korea who has an interest in exercising with others. We encourage people to come out and move for an hour. That can mean running, walking or skipping. We’d love to have anyone come out that enjoys exercise.
What goes on? Almost every week we plan a run somewhere in Gwangju. We meet there and split up into groups. Usually people find someone who runs their speed and we run (or move) for an hour or so. After our group runs we generally go for food at a nearby restaurant. This spring we are trying to get people signed up for a road race. There we can put our training to use and enjoy the festive atmosphere of a Korean road race. The food and fellow Korean runners at these races are amazing.
Plans for the future? A group of us just did the Seoul International Marathon in addition to other races around the country.
How to join?
Just join our Facebook group and find out when and where the weekly runs take place.
Are there any membership fees? Right now we are a very informal club without fees of any kind. Only if you run a race or if you want a team jersey will you have to pay anything.
What is the highlight of the year for your club? Anytime we go to a race and someone runs their personal best time, then that is a highlight.