Night of chaos: Inside Yoon’s Cabinet in hours before declaration
진행자: 박준희, Chelsea Proctor
기사 요약: 국무위원들이 기억한 12월 3일 계엄령 선포가 터진 그날은 어땠을까? 이들의 증언을 바탕으로 알아보기.
[1] Public accounts from Cabinet members at the National Assembly have exposed a troubling picture of President Yoon Suk Yeol's Dec. 3 martial law declaration: One of a clandestine and illegitimate decision that bypassed nearly the entire Cabinet, silenced its opposition, and violated due process.
* Expose: 드러내다
* Troubling: 우려스러운
* Clandestine: 은밀한
* Bypass: 우회하다
[2] The hours before Yoon's late-night announcement were chaotic, with most Cabinet members kept in the dark. Below is a look at the time leading up to and after the declaration, based on their accounts.
* Chaotic: 혼돈 상태인
* In the dark: 아무것도 모르는
* Lead up to: ~에 이르다
* Account: 증언
[3] After witnessing armed soldiers storming the National Assembly on television, smashing windows as they forced their way in, all Cabinet ministers submitted their collective resignations to Prime Minister Han Duck-soo on Dec. 4.
* Witness: 목격하다
* Storm: 난입하다
* Smash: 박살내다
* Force one’s way: 억지로 밀고 나가다
[4] "I was personally stunned by the announcement as well. The last time martial law was imposed in Korea was 1979, when I joined the Foreign Ministry," Foreign Minister Cho Tae-yul said during a press briefing for foreign media in Seoul on Wednesday. "Never did I imagine that it would be declared again 45 years later, in the Korea of 2024."
* Stun: 놀라게 하다
* Impose: 시행하다
* Join: 합류하다
* Declare: 선언하다
기사 전문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20241218050072
[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]
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