After impeachment vote, companies shift to tackling Trump-era challenges
진행자: 홍유, Chelsea Proctor
기사요약: 탄핵 투표가 끝난 후 주요 기업들은 미국의 트럼프 행정부 재임 하에 예상되는 글로벌 경제 변화에 대비하고 있다.
[1] South Korea’s parliament voted to impeach President Yoon Suk Yeol on Saturday, marking the culmination of over a week of intense political turmoil following Yoon’s botched attempt to impose martial law on Dec. 3.
culmination: 정점
turmoil: 혼란
botched: 잘못하거나 잘못 계획되어 실패한
[2] While the impeachment awaits a final ruling by the Constitutional Court, observers note that the National Assembly’s decision has alleviated some of the uncertainty that clouded the market in recent weeks.
alleviate: 완화하다
uncertainty: 불확실성
[3] Korea’s major conglomerates are now turning their attention to preparing for broader global economic challenges, particularly navigating policy shifts expected under a second Donald Trump administration in Washington.
conglomerate: 대기업
administration: 행정부
[4] “The political uncertainty hasn’t completely disappeared, but companies don’t have much time, as the new US administration takes office in January,” said an industry source who requested anonymity. “Significant changes under Trump are anticipated, and the recent political turmoil has left many firms unprepared to address these potential changes in economy and trade."
anonymity: 익명
기사원문: https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20241215050047
[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]
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