진행자: 간형우, Chelsea Proctor
‘BYD will set no sales target in Korean debut year’
기사 요약: 류쉐량 BYD 아시아태평양 영업사업부 사장 “내년 한국 출시 첫 해 판매 목표량 세우지 않을 것”
[1] Chinese electric vehicle maker BYD will not focus on sales volume when it debuts in the Korean passenger car market early next year, the EV giant’s Asia Pacific head says.
passenger car: 승용차
[2] “We will not set a sales target for our first year (in Korea), “said Liu Xueliang, general manager of BYD Asia Pacific auto sales division, in a group interview with Korean reporters at BYD’s headquarters in Shenzhen, China, Wednesday.
headquarters: 본사
[3] “Our hope is to give Korean customers hands-on experience with BYD EVs. We think that Korea’s EV penetration rate can reach a top global level with a little bit more effort. The EV share of newly sold vehicles has already hit 9.6 percent in the Korean market …Korean customers have a high level of understanding for EVs.”
hands-on experience: 실제 체험
penetration rate: 보급률
[4] Liu revealed that the Chinese brand signed partnerships with six Korean dealership firms in the Korean market. The official launch will take place in January with the announcement of the locations of its showrooms across the country.
reveal: 공개하다
기사 원문: https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20241124050035
[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]
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