진행자: 박준희, Devin Whiting
What is South Korea’s 4B movement?
기사 요약: 여성 생식권 문제가 화두였던 미국 대선에서 트럼프 전 대통령이 승리하자 유권자들 사이에서 한국의 비 연애, 결혼, 출산 성관계 운동이 주목받고 있다.
[1] Emerging around 2018, the "4B" movement is a voluntary female celibacy movement, encouraging women to refuse heterosexual marriage, childbirth, dating or sex with men. The term "4B" comes from bihon (no marriage), bichulsan (no childbirth), biyeonae (no dating) and bisekseu (no sex), with "bi," or "B," meaning "no." Essentially, 4B advocates for women to disengage from relationships with men entirely.
* Emerge: 생겨나다
* Celibacy: 독신주의
* Encourage: 독려하다
* Advocate: 지지하다
[2] Though Trump, who faced a civil trial for sexual abuse last year, has said he would veto a federal abortion ban, he has supported the right of states to choose to ban or limit abortion access after the overturning of Roe v Wade. He has also taken credit for nominating the judges who made the ruling possible.
* Face: 직면하다
* Support: 지지하다
* Overturn: 뒤집다
* Take credit for: 뭔가에 대한 공을 가져가다
[3] His election, and the precarious fate of abortion rights in America, spurred some American women to consider the 4B movement, according to multiple reports. Posts on social media platforms like X reflect this mindset, with comments such as, "American women, looks like it’s time to get influenced by Korea’s 4B movement," and, "It’s time we join the movement. Men will NOT be rewarded, nor have access to our bodies."
* Precarious: 불안정한
* Spur: 자극하다
* Consider: 고려하다
*Reward: 보상하다
[4] The 4B movement gained traction in Korea due to widespread dissatisfaction with a deeply rooted patriarchal culture seen as beyond repair. Its origins are linked to the sustained challenges faced by women during rapid economic modernization, which has underscored enduring gender inequality, particularly among younger women, according to observers.
* Gain traction: 주목받다
* Dissatisfaction: 불만
* beyond repair: 고칠 수 없는
* Link to: 연관된
기사 원문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20241111050610
[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]
네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용): https://audioclip.naver.com/channels/5404
팟빵 (안드로이드): http://www.podbbang.com/ch/6638