Most women spend a tremendous amount of time and money on their skin. They all wish to keep their face young and moisturized. According to Jeakyung, a member of Korean girl group Rainbow, keeping perfect skin actually does not have to cost much. It just needs a little bit of diligence and time.

Jaekyung, who is famous for her knowledge of cosmetics and skincare, revealed her secret for perfect skin: Make your own natural cosmetics. She makes her own aloe moisturizer, which helps control facial sebum and keep the skin moisturized.

How to make an aloe moisturizer

Ingredients: pomegranate extract, aloe vera, hyaluronic acid, lavender essential oil, vitamin E, propolis, olive liquid, jojoba oil, green tea extract

1) Put 85 grams of aloe vera in a large disinfected beaker. Aloe vera is effective in moisturizing and toxin neutralization. It also effectively soothes burned skin in the summer.

2) Add 7 grams of olive liquid to the beaker. Olive liquid is a non-irritant while it moisturizes the skin. It also softens the texture of the skin.

3) Add 4 grams of jojoba oil. This oil controls the skin sebum.

4) Put 4 grams of hyaluronic acid and 2 grams of green tea extract, pomegranate extract and propolis. Then add 3 grams of vitamin E. This works as a natural preservative.

5) Mix all with 3 grams of lavender essential oil.

6) Store the mixed in a disinfected bottle.

Remember to use the moisturizer within four months. The expiration date of natural cosmetics is limited.

In addition to the homemade moisturizer, Jaekyung has a tip for facial cleansing. When she washes her face with cleansing oil, Jaekyung mixes it with honey and gently massages the face. Honey, which is full of amino acid and vitamin, helps keep the face moisturized and sterilized.

For facial packs, Jaekyung regularly uses a homemade green pack. Made of Eoseongcho and tea tree, the pack prevents acne and atopy by sterilizing and regenerating the skin.

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