Articles by Chyung Eun-ju
Chyung Eun-ju
Blackout hits several apartment buildings amid high temperatures
Miscellaneous blackouts left thousands of households sweltering without air conditioning in several Korean cities Sunday night, amid heat wave warnings.About 260 households in an apartment building in Ilsan, Gyeonggi Province, lost power for an hour and a half on Monday at midnight.According to the state-run Korea Electric Power Corp., the blackout was caused by trees that had grown over the summer and caused power lines to touch each other.(Yonhap)About 960 households in Deogyang, Gyeonggi Prov
Social Affairs July 16, 2018
[Newsmaker] Protesters raise voice against dog meat consumption
Hundreds of protesters held a rally for and against dog meat consumption near Sejong Center for Performing Arts in Gwanghwamun on Sunday ahead of chobok, a day when Koreans traditionally eat “stamina food.” Koreans commonly eat hot bowls of supposedly stamina-boosting soups on the three “bok” days of summer. The days are referred to as chobok, jungbok and malbok and fall on July 17, July 27 and Aug. 16, respectively.Some of these soups involve commonplace meats such as chicken, but others have d
Social Affairs July 16, 2018
600㎏짜리 초대형 악어 잡혀
길이가 중형차만큼 큰 초대형 악어가 잡혀 화제가 되고 있다. 호주 데일리메일에 따르면, 지난 9일 호주 노던준주 캐서린공원에서 몸길이 4.71m, 몸무게 600㎏에 달하는 바다악어가 야생동물이 포획됐다. 악어는 60년 이상 살아온 것으로 추정된다. 악어는 올해 캐서린 지역에서 7번째로 포획된 것이고 지난 2, 3월에 몸길이가 각각 3.92m와 3.97m짜리 악어가 연이어 잡히기도 했다. 8년 전에 악어는 처음으로 목격되고 추적을 받아왔었다. 전문가들은 진정제로 악어를 쉽게 잡을 수 있었다고 한다. (
한국어판 July 16, 2018
Ulsan commits W9b to promote youth employment
Ulsan City started a program to decrease the youth jobless rate in the metropolitan city, according to city officials on Wednesday.The local government program was promoted by the Ministry of Interior and Safety after the government announced its plan to help young people start companies and to support firms on March 15. A total of 9.05 billion won ($8.12 million) was procured through government and local expenditure to help 14 businesses. The program will support young people’s startups through
Social Affairs July 4, 2018
“팔로워 2만명 안되면 눈으로 보기만 하시오”...LA 한복판
미국 로스앤젤레스에 팔로워 2만 명 이하인 사람들은 촬영을 불허한다는 안내문이 한 벽화 앞에 내걸렸다. 이와 관련해 많은 이들이 비난을 쏟아내고 있다.SNS 사진 찍기 좋은 명소로 알려진 LA 멜로즈 거리에 지난달 25일 등장한 벽화 앞에는 하얀 천막이 설치돼 있어 벽화를 직접 볼 수 없다. 앞에 보안 요원이 있다.한 벽화 앞 세워진 안내문 제목 ‘특별한 벽화’와 함께 “인증된 영향력 있는 사람들과 팔로워 2만 명 넘는 사람들만 위한 것”이라고 쓰여 있다. 인증된 영향력 있는 사람이라는 것을 보안요원에게 확인해주면 천막 안으로 들어가게 해준다. 벽화에는 분홍색 하트와 위에 로스앤젤레스의 ‘천사들의 도시’라는 글자와 인증마크 아이콘이 그려져 있다. 네티즌들은 SNS 팔로워 수로 사진 촬영 여부를 정해서 “기분 나쁘다“, ”센스가 없다”라며 싸늘한 반응을 보였다. 벽화는 미국 모바일 비디오 앱 Go90에서 방송하는 코미디 쇼 ‘Like and Subscribe’을 홍보하려고 설치한
한국어판 July 4, 2018
Clear skies over Seoul as typhoon passes
Skies cleared up with temperatures as high as 31 degrees Celsius in Seoul and central regions Wednesday as Typhoon Prapiroon passed over the East Sea.Cloudy skies are forecast to envelop Korea toward the afternoon. The peninsula will stay relatively dry in the morning but showers will fall in Seoul, western Gangwon Province, and South Chungcheong and North Gyeongsang provinces toward the afternoon.Skies clear up in Seoul after the typhoon goes out through the east coast. (Yonhap)Humidity levels
Social Affairs July 4, 2018
Man scams women out of W11m via chat app
A man surnamed Oh was arrested for pretending to be a doctor in order to scam women through a chat app, police said Tuesday.Oh, who is in his 30s, met three women through the app from January to May telling them that he wished to meet them on the premise of marriage. The app allows users to message each other anonymously. The suspect’s profile on the random chatting app (Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency)The police charged him for allegedly scamming the women into giving him 11.1 million won ($9
Social Affairs July 3, 2018
8세 소년, 대학 입학 준비 ‘화제’
1년 반 만에 중등교육을 마쳐 대학 갈 준비한 벨기에의 8세 소년이 화제이다.영국 BBC 보도에 따르면 IQ 145인 로런트 사이먼스은 최근 고등학교 교육과정을 모두 마치고 수료증을 받았다. 사이먼스는 일반적으로 6년이 소요되는 중등교육(11~12에서 16~18세인 학생들이 다니는 학교) 과정을 단 18개월 만에 끝냈으며, 이로써 대학에 입학할 준비를 모두 마쳤다. 사이먼스가 평소 가장 좋아하는 과목은 수학이라고 한다. 장래희망은 의사와 우주 비행사라고 말했지만, 현재 IT계열로 진학할 예정이라고 전달했다. 어릴 때부터 사이먼스는 장난감에 관심을 둬 본 적이 없다며 또래 친구들이랑 노는 것이 힘들었다고 했다. 사이먼스 아버지는 만약에 아들이 목수가 되겠다고 해도 상관없다며 아들이 행복하길 바란다고 말했다. (
한국어판 July 3, 2018
Warrant for suspect sought in Youtuber sexual abuse case
A photographer was arrested for leaking Youtuber Yang Ye-won’s lewd photos online, according to the Seoul Western District Court on Tuesday.Police requested an arrest warrant on June 28 for the photographer surnamed Choi, 45, because they were concerned about evidence being destroyed and that he would flee. Choi was the first photographer to allegedly distribute the photos online after sexually abusing Yang, 24, and coercing her into modeling for pornographic photos three years ago in a “closed-
Social Affairs July 3, 2018
[Weather] Strong winds and heavy rain continue to hit Korea
Strong winds and heavy rain lashed the southern regions of South Korea as Typhoon Prapiroon approached the peninsula on Tuesday. The Korea Meteorological Agency said that rain would continue in the south coast and in Yeongdong, Gangwon Province while fog will envelope the country.The weather agency said that 50 to 100 mm of rain is expected on Jeju Island and at least 150 mm in the Gyeongsang coast.A wave as large as a house approaches a coast in Seogwipo, Jeju Islang on Tuesday Morning as a typ
Social Affairs July 3, 2018
Three-strike system introduced to prevent dating abuse
A three-strike system against dating abuse will be enforced starting from Monday, according to the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office. The system is being implemented in order to strengthen measures against date crimes amid an increasing number of date abuse cases. The three-strike system applies to people who commit date abuse crimes at least three times to the same victim, who will then go to court even though the victim does not wish to punish the offender. (Yonhap)If the victim reports the dating v
Social Affairs July 2, 2018
수염 기르고 방송출연한 여성...‘특별한 이유’
수염과 가슴 털을 기른 26세 여성이 화제이다. 미국 버지니아주에 거주하는 노바 갤럭시아는 26일 (현지시간) 영국의 ITV 아침 방송에 출연해 자신이 걸린 희소 병에 대해 설명했다. 노바는 다낭성 난소증후군이라는 병에 걸려 만 12세에 첫 증상이 나타났다. 다난성 난소증후군은 난소에 이상이 생겨 남성 호르몬이 많이 분비되고 다모증과 여드름, 생리불순과 무월경 증상을 일으킨다. 학교 다닐 때 그녀는 따돌림을 당하면서 자신감을 잃어 지난 13년간 털을 밀어왔다. 하지만 ‘노 셰이브 노벰버”라는 암 인식 캠페인을 참여하면서 그대로의 모습을 받아들이기 시작했다. 2012년에 만나게 된 애인 애시 버드도 그녀가 자신감을 찾으려고 많이 도와줬다. 성별을 구분하지 않고 사는 애시는 노바를 이해해줬다. 애쉬 덕분에 외출할 때 면도하지 않고 돌아다니기 시작했고 그녀의 SNS를 통해 자신이 지닌 다낭성 난소증후군에 관한 정보를 공유하고 유튜브 계정을 만들어 메이크업 등을 소개한다. 같은 증상을 지
한국어판 July 2, 2018
Woman sentenced for killing abusive husband
A woman has been sentenced to four years in jail for murdering her husband after suffering from domestic violence for around 40 years, according to the Supreme Court on Monday.The woman surnamed Kim, 61, was charged for killing her husband with a 2.5 kg ornamental rock that she used to hit him dozens of times at their house in Samcheok, Gangwon Province on March 23, 2017. (Yonhap)On the day of the crime, Kim’s husband had grabbed her by the hair and threw a glass cup. Kim then hit her husband wi
Social Affairs July 2, 2018
Heavy rain pounds Korea as Typhoon Prapiroon closes in
Heavy rain continued to pound South Korea, causing more damage as Typhoon Prapiroon moved toward Jeju Island, Monday morning.One Thai person in her 50s died after being struck by lightning as she was planting rice in Yeonggwong-gun, South Jeolla Province. Another woman in her 70s suffered an injury from soil erosion in Boseong-gun, South Jeolla Province.About 2,400 hectares of farmlands flooded in South Jeolla Province and North Chungcheong Province, while 22 cars were submerged in Boseong and 5
Social Affairs July 2, 2018
Police to intensify crackdown on illegal drugs
The Korean National Police Agency said Sunday it would step up a crackdown on illegal drugs during the July-September period. A total of 1,069 anti-drug officers are to be deployed to catch drug suppliers on the internet and track down users. Police arrested 2,047 people in a prior crackdown on drugs from March to May. Drug transactions, which used to revolve around users making exchanges face-to-face, have largely moved online, and the demand for drugs seems to have increased, police said. By C
Social Affairs July 1, 2018
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