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[팟캐스트] (598) 키즈 시장 덮친 "아동 명품룩"
진행자: 박준희, Elise Youn [Weekender] VIB treatment: Luxury market surges for ‘very important babies’ 기사 요약: 저출산 시대지만 유아동룩 시장은 프리미엄 아동룩 엎고 호황 중이다. [1] Despite South Korea’s notoriously low birth rate, its childrenswear market shows no sign of abating, especially led by the binge spending of young parents. * Notoriously: ~을 못하기로 악명 높다 * Abating: [강도가] 약해지다, [강도를 약화시키다, 줄이다 * Binge: 한동안 흥청망청하기 [2] “Most parents that I know think that putting a luxury onesie that costs hundr
July 7, 2024
[팟캐스트] (597) 반려견 소유권, '기른 정'이냐 '최초 분양'이냐
진행자: 홍유, Elise Youn Canine custody clash: Does dog belong to buyer or guardian? 기사 요약: 반려견을 처음 분양받은 사람과 실제로 기른 사람 중 누구에게 소유권이 있는지 가리는 판결에서 1심과 2심이 엇갈린 결론을 내 해당 사건이 대법원 판단을 받게 됐다. [1] A messy canine custody battle broke out recently after a woman sued her son's former girlfriend, claiming ownership of a golden retriever who had lived with her for years but is legally owned by the ex-girlfriend. *messy: 지저분한, 엉망인 *sue: 고소하다, 소송을 제기하다 *claim: (…이 사실이라고) 주장하다 [2] Seoul High Court
July 2, 2024
[팟캐스트] (596) 스포츠 중계권 쓸어담는 OTT
진행자: 홍유, Elise Youn Streaming services gradually dominate sports broadcasts amid mixed reactions from fans 기사 요약: OTT 플랫폼의 스포츠 중계권 확보 경쟁이 치열해지고 있다 [1] Korean streaming services are increasingly securing exclusive rights to sports broadcasts to expand their viewer base. While fans acknowledge that this enhances the quality of the viewing experience, the shift from free to paid access is generating widespread criticism. *viewer base: 시청자 층 *enhance: 좋은 점·가치·지위를) 높이다[향상시키다] *gen
June 27, 2024
[팟캐스트] (595) 피곤한 한국인들이 찾는 것은?
진행자: 최정윤, Elise Youn IV drips: A quick energy shot for overworked Koreans [1] “Feeling burnt out? You’ve come to the right place,” the doctor said during my consultation at a clinic in Yeouido, Seoul's financial district, before prescribing what he called a “garlic injection.” * prescribe: 처방을 내리다 n. prescription / 규정,지시하다 (stipulate) [2[ As an average South Korean national, I am used to eating tons of garlic, but I wasn’t quite ready to have it inje
June 24, 2024
[팟캐스트] (594) "왜애앵" 이번 여름 유독 많은 모기, 왜?
진행자: 최정윤. Elise Youn No. of mosquitoes unusually high in June [1] Amid a relentless heat wave sweeping across South Korea, Seoul has seen a significant surge in its mosquito population over the past two weeks, turning a seasonal nuisance into a widespread concern. *relentless: 가차 없는, 끈질긴 (relent: v. 포기하고 동의하다, 누그러지다) *nuisance: 골칫거리, 성가신 사람(것/일) / public nuisance: 사회적 골칫거리 [2] According to the Seoul Mosquito Forecast System, the average mosquito activity index in the capital city has increase
June 20, 2024
[팟캐스트] (593) 끝도 없이 오르는 외식 물가에 대안으로 떠오른 곳은?
진행자: 간형우, Kevin Lee Selzer Sales of warehouse stores rise amid high dining-out costs 기사 요약: 외식 물가 상승으로 인한 반사 이익으로 매출 증가 겪는 대형마트들 [1] Warehouse stores in Korea have seen a rise in sales, drawn by bulk sizes of fresh ingredients at lower prices as people opt for cooking at home rather than eating out, amid increasing prices. *warehouse store: 창고형 매장 (대형마트) *bulk: 큰, 대부분 *opt for ~ : ~을 선택하다 [2] From January through April, sales of Traders Wholesale Club, the warehouse-type discount store owned b
June 17, 2024
[팟캐스트] (592) e스포츠 사상 최초로 전설의 전당에 이름 올린 선수는?
진행자: 간형우, Kevin Lee Selzer Faker makes history again with Hall of Legends induction 기사 요약: 리그오브레전드 '전설의 전당' 초대 헌액자에 등극한 ‘페이커’ 이상혁 [1] South Korean esports legend Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok, an undisputed superstar in the world of competitive gaming, etched his name as the first-ever inductee to the Hall of Legends at The Shilla Seoul in Jung-gu, central Seoul, Thursday. *undisputed: 반박의 여지가 없는 *etch: 식각하다, 아로새기다, 뚜렷이 새기다 *inductee: (스포츠, 예술의 전당 등이) 헌액자, (군대) 징집병,
June 13, 2024
[팟캐스트] (591) 갑질 해명 나선 개통령 강형욱
진행자: 박준희, Elise Youn Star dog trainer faces workplace bullying claims 기사 요약: 유명 반려견 훈련사 강형욱, 자신을 둘러싼 갑질·폭언 등 논란에 대해 전면 반박 [1] Celebrity dog trainer Kang Hyung-wook and his dog training business Bodeum Company are facing criticism for allegedly mistreating employees. * Face criticism: 비평을 마주하다 * Mistreat: (사람·동물을) 학대[혹사]하다 [2] According to several reviews on Job Planet, an online recruitment and job search platform, Kang and his wife Susan Elder, who serves as the company execu
June 10, 2024
[팟캐스트] (590) '입양은 사랑이다' 어느 입양 가족의 이야기
진행자: 박준희, Elise Youn [Weekender] 'Blood doesn't make family, love does' 기사 요약: 입양에 대한 편견을 갖고 있는 사회에게 가족은 꼭 피로 맺어지지 않고 사랑으로 맺어진다는 메시지를 전한 입양가족들 [1] When Jeon Sung-shin, 45, was looking to expand her family without going through childbirth again, she met her then 50-day-old daughter at an orphan care center 11 years ago. * Expand: 확장하다 * Go through: ~을 거쳐가다 * Childbirth: 출산 * Orphan: 고아 [2] Jeon fell in love with her at first sight and knew adoption would be a beautiful way to buil
June 6, 2024
[팟캐스트] (589) 대한항공 안전 핵심 시설 재단장, 최초 공개
진행자: 김혜연, Paul Kerry [From the Scene] Korean Air's new operations center highlights full commitment to safety 기사 요약: 합병 앞둔 대한항공, 전면 개편한 종합통제센터 (OCC) 최초 공개 [1] Korean Air has unveiled its newly revamped Operations and Customer Center after 23 years, emphasizing the airline's increased focus on risk management in light of variables such as the merger with Asiana Airlines and the introduction of newer aircraft. revamp 개조[수리]하다 variable 변화를 줄[변경할] 수 있는 [2] "Air operations are possible
June 3, 2024
[팟캐스트] (588) 밥상 물가 고민, '김' 가격 급등
진행: 김혜연, Paul Kerry ‘Gimflation’ in S. Korea as dried seaweed prices grow on rising global demand 기사 요약: '국민 반찬' 김 물가 상승에 더욱 커진 밥상 물가 부담 [1] Dried seaweed or gim, a staple dish nicknamed "rice thief" for its perfect pairing with rice, is seeing considerable popularity globally these days. staple 주된, 주요한 pairing 한 쌍, 짝을 짓기 [2] In recent years, gim's deliciousness, coupled with its nutrient content and recognition as a food source beneficial to ocean ecosystem
May 30, 2024
[팟캐스트] (587) 서울시 "외국인에 5년간 2506억원 투자"
진행자: 홍유, Elise Youn Seoul rolls out W250b package in bid to lure foreign talent 기사요약: 서울시는 5년간 2천506억원을 투입해 외국인 인재와 기업을 유치하고 이들의 안정적인 정착을 돕는 외국인주민 정책 마스터플랜을 발표했다. [1] The Seoul Metropolitan Government announced Monday its plans to invest 250.6 billion won ($184.8 million) over five years to attract foreign talent and businesses and to help them adjust to the city. *adjust: 적응하다 (=adapt) [2] The plan, announced in a press briefing, comes amid an increase in the overall number of foreign n
May 27, 2024
[팟캐스트] (586) 고양이 수십마리 죽었는데 "원인 불명"
진행자: 홍유, Elise Youn Mystery deepens after hundreds of cat deaths in S. Korea 기사요약: 최근 고양이들이 신경질환 등 증상을 보이다 급사했다는 신고가 잇따랐지만 원인이 밝혀지지 않아 반려인들이 불안감을 호소하고 있다. [1] A wave of unexplained cat deaths has sparked a dispute between pet owners and authorities in South Korea, with owners unconvinced that the pet food thought to be at the center of the controversy was not to blame. *dispute: 분쟁, 분규; 논란, 논쟁 *controversy: 논란 [2] According to local animal activist groups Life and Myoeon, a total of 513
May 23, 2024
[팟캐스트] (585) 7월 시행 예정인 단기 ‘기후동행카드’ 5일권의 가격은?
진행자: 간형우, Ali Abbot Seoul transit pass for travelers to be available starting July 기사 요약: 서울시, 오는 7월 중 기후동행카드 단기권인 '관광권'을 출시해 내·외국인 관광객들에게 맞춤형 서비스를 제공할 계획 [1] Seoul's all-inclusive transit pass, the "Climate Card," will soon be available for short-term use by visitors to Korea starting in July, the Seoul Metropolitan Government said Sunday. *inclusive: 포함된 *term: 용어, 기간 [2] The city's initiative to introduce a short-term pass, available for one, two, three,
May 20, 2024
[팟캐스트] (584) ‘뉴진스님’의 다음 글로벌 부처핸섬 행선지는?
진행자: 간형우, Ali Abbot ‘Monk’ DJ spreading Buddhism goes global 기사 요약: ‘아시아 대세’된 뉴진스님 윤성호, 아시아로 불교 문화 전파 가속화 [1] A South Korean DJ-comedian in a Buddhist monk’s robe is making strides in Korea and abroad with the backing of Korea’s largest Buddhist sect that has employed him as part of its outreach to wider audiences. *monk: 수도승 *make strides: 큰 발걸음을 내딛다 or 장족의 발전을 하다 *outreach: 봉사활동, 사회공헌활동 [2] Yoon Seong-ho, the DJ known as the Ven. New Jean, will close the t
May 16, 2024
[팟캐스트] (583) 코로나가 남긴 것은?
진행자: 최정윤, Paul Kerry Pandemic left Korea more depressed than before: report 기사 요약: 정부가 코로나 위기단계를 가장 낮은 수준인 '관심 단계'로 하향 조정한 가운데 우리나라 성인들이 팬데믹 시기 기점으로 크게 우울해졌다는 조사 결과 나와 [1] The South Korean government downgraded the COVID-19 crisis level to the lowest level on May 1, but a recent report indicates that the years of the pandemic have nonetheless left a lasting mark on people here in the form of depression. * indicate: 나타내다, 보여주다 * lasting: 영속적인, 지속적인 [2] According to the Korea Diseas
May 13, 2024
[팟캐스트] (582) '비계 삼겹살' 논란 무엇?
진행자: 최정윤, Paul Kerry Debate rages over ‘overly fatty’ samgyeopsal 기사 요약: 온라인 떠들썩하게 한 '비계 삼겹살' 논란에 제주도 내 돼지고기 전문 식당 70여 곳을 대상으로 현장 조사를 나서고 농림축산식품부는 소포장 삼겹살에서 겉지방층 1cm 이하로 관리하라는 등의 '삼겹살 품질관리 매뉴얼' 제정돼 [1] As much as "samgyeopsal," the quintessential Korean pork belly cut, translates to three-layered meat, its deliciousness hinges on the perfect balance of fat and meat. This balance delivers a satisfyingly chewy texture bursting with juicy, meaty flavor. *
May 9, 2024
[팟캐스트] (581) 카카오게임즈엔 더 이상 '마이클'이 없다?
진행자: 김혜연, Kevin Lee Selzer [KH Explains] No more 'Michael' at Kakao Games 기사 요약: 사내 영어이름 사용 대신 한글 본명에 '님' 호칭 도입한 카카오게임즈 Amid major reform push at Kakao, game developer affiliate moves to stop using English names in office *reform push 개혁 촉구 *affiliate 계열사 [1] Kakao Games has decided to scrap using English names among its employees, becoming the first Kakao affiliate to backtrack on the IT front-runner’s attempt to make a more bottom-up working environment with open c
May 6, 2024
[팟캐스트] (580) 궁중문화축전의 관전포인트? 감독에게 직접 듣다
진행자: 김혜연, Kevin Lee Selzer [Herald Interview] Mistakes turn into blessings in street performance, director says 기사 요약: 2024 궁중문화축전 연출 일부를 맡은 송재성 감독이 인터뷰에서 공개한 올 해 프로그램의 재미 [1] Where to draw the line separating the audience from actors in a street performance is tricky for any director. Some are wary of seeing the script derailed by indulging too much into on-the-spot impromptu interaction with spectators. *draw the line 한계를 정하다, 구분 짓다 *tricky 힘든 [까다로운], 교묘한 *indulging (특정한 욕구·관심 등을) 채우
May 2, 2024
[팟캐스트] (579) 해외 K콘텐츠 팬을 대상으로 새롭게 선보이는 관광 상품 종류는?
진행자: 간형우, Ali Abbot Culture Ministry, KTO unveil Hallyu-themed tours 기사 요약: 문체부-관광공사, 해외 방문객 대상으로 한국 콘텐츠에 기반한 관광상품 7종 선보인다 [1] The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the Korea Tourism Organization are looking to woo Southeast Asian and Middle Eastern tourists with new Hallyu-themed tour packages. *woo: 구애하다 [2] “Despite the rising popularity of Korean content, some travel destinations have not been promoted properly due to their low accessibility and intellectual property right
April 29, 2024