The Korea Herald


Judge arrested for taking photos of woman on subway

By Bak Se-hwan

Published : July 21, 2017 - 18:41

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An active judge was caught secretly snapping photos of a woman at a Seoul subway station on Tuesday, police said Friday.

According to the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency, the judge whose name is being withheld, allegedly approached a woman from behind and secretly photographed her with his mobile phone. He was caught by nearby passengers and forcibly handed over to police. 

Passengers waiting and entering a Seoul subway train (Yonhap) Passengers waiting and entering a Seoul subway train (Yonhap)

The man claims innocence, saying the camera application installed in his smartphone “ran on its own” without his knowledge.

Police booked him without detention and plan to carry out a further inquiry, having secured his phone.

Local media reported the suspect to be the 27-year-old son of a current opposition lawmaker. He graduated fourth in his class from the Judicial Research and Training Institute, where all those who pass the bar exam receive legal training for two years. He is also said to have received a perfect score on his national college entrance exam in 2005 and studied law at the country’s top Seoul National University. 

By Bak Se-hwan (