The Korea Herald


South Korea condemns NK for conducting nuke test despite floods

By KH디지털2

Published : Sept. 23, 2016 - 13:51

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South Korea condemned North Korea on Friday for appealing for outside assistance to recover from the latest flood as Pyongyang has poured money into its nuclear and missile programs while neglecting its people's suffering.

South Korea's unification ministry said North Korea deserves to be under fire for its lack of actions to cope with the flood damage as it instead focused on conducting the fifth nuclear test in early September.

"North Korea tries to elicit outside assistance (by saying that the damage is extensive) while making no self-rescue efforts. The North's ambivalent attitude deserves to be criticized," Jeong Joon-hee, ministry spokesman, told a regular press briefing.

North Korea's northeastern region is hit by what the North called its worst floods since Korea's liberation from Japan's 1910-45 colonial rule. Heavy rains are believed to have left more than 130 people dead and over 400 missing.

The Seoul government said that there is a slim chance that it will provide aid to Pyongyang given high tensions following the nuclear test even if the country makes such a request.

On Sept. 9, North Korea conducted its fifth and most powerful nuclear test to date, eight months after its fourth. North Korea made the test almost right after heavy rains pummeled North Hamgyong Province for five days starting Aug. 29.

The country stopped reporting the flood damage to its citizens for a week before it carried out the test.

Later, Pyongyang resumed its propaganda for pushing for a 200-day hard-work drive to give the impression that the country is making rehabilitation efforts.

"Whether North Korea receives assistance or restores the damage by itself, only North Korean leader Kim Jong-un will take credit for such a feat," Jeong said, expressing regret that it is using the natural disaster for political propaganda. (Yonhap)