The Korea Herald


Adidas pulls World Cup T-shirts that ‘encourage sex tourism’

By KH디지털2

Published : Feb. 28, 2014 - 10:16

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(Adidas) (Adidas)
Adidas agreed on Tuesday to stop selling two T-shirts in the run-up to the forthcoming World cup after the Brazilian government accused them of promoting sexual tourism.

The one shirt shows a bikini-clad woman on a sunny Rio beach with the words “Looking to Score.” The other reads “I Love Brazil,” with a heart that resembles the upside-down buttocks of a woman wearing a thong bikini. 

Angered by the controversial T-shirts, the 2014 World Cup host nation formally requested the German apparel company to remove them from its stores. 

“Embratur strongly repudiates the sale of products that link Brazil’s image to sexual appeal,” Brazil’s tourism board was quoted as saying in a statement.

Brazilians are reportedly concerned about foreign stereotypes of Brazilian sensuality, and the government is campaigning to shed the country‘s reputation as a destination for sex tourism.

By Ock Hyun-ju, Intern reporter (