The Korea Herald


Swedish doctors transplant wombs into 9 women

By KH디지털2

Published : Jan. 14, 2014 - 11:37

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Nine women in Sweden have successfully received transplanted wombs donated from relatives in an experimental procedure that has raised some ethical concerns, according to the Associated Press.

The nine women are primarily in their 30s and either had their wombs removed because of cervical cancer or were born without one. All have ovaries, however, which will allow them to create embryos through in-vitro fertilization, as their fallopian tubes and uteruses have not been connected, the report said.

Experts said if the operations are successful, womb transplants could be an alternative for women who have few choices.

Only two previous womb transplants have been made before now, neither of which resulted in a birth, making the nine transplants on their own a significant accomplishment.

The transplants began in September 2012 and attempts at pregnancy are expected to start within months, the news agency reported.

By Lee Shin-young, Intern reporter