The Korea Herald


Korean War veterans to visit Seoul for armistice anniversary

By Korea Herald

Published : July 24, 2013 - 19:51

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Veterans who fought in the Korean War under the United Nations flag will visit South Korea to attend events marking the 60th anniversary of the armistice and share their stories, the state veterans’ service said Wednesday.

The Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs said it has invited about 220 veterans and their families from 21 nations in appreciation for their service and sacrifice during the war and to show them the nation’s development.

On Friday, they will pay tribute to fallen soldiers in the Korean National Cemetery in Seoul with government representatives from 21 nations that engaged in the three-year conflict as part of U.N. forces.

Later on that day, they will attend an orchestra concert held at South Korea’s northernmost Dorasan Station, just south of the Demilitarized Zone.

The symphony orchestra, composed of artists from 21 nations, will play music that wishes for lasting peace on the Korean Peninsula, the ministry said.

On Saturday, the veterans will attend a “Thank You Banquet” in which Prime Minister Jung Hong-won will grant medals in appreciation of their support for South Korea.

Since launched in 1975, the Revisit Korea Program has brought about 29,000 veterans of U.N. forces and their families back to South Korea to thank them for their sacrifice and show them the nation’s economic development and growth.

The 1950-53 Korean War ended in a truce, not a peace treaty, leaving the two Koreas technically in a state of war. (Yonhap News)