The Korea Herald


남북, '12일 서울 장관급회담 개최' 사실상 확정

By KH디지털3

Published : June 9, 2013 - 13:42

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남북, `12일 서울 장관급회담 개최` 사실상 확정 (연합뉴스) 남북, `12일 서울 장관급회담 개최` 사실상 확정 (연합뉴스)

남북은 9일 판문점에서 열린 장관급 회담을  위한 실무접촉에서 '오는 12일 서울에서 장관급 회담을 개최한다'는데 인식을  함께하고 세부 사항에 대한 논의를 진행한 것으로 전해졌다.
김형석 통일부 대변인은 이날 낮 브리핑에서 '12일 서울에서 장관급 회담을  개최한다는 것은 합의된 것이냐'는 질문에 "당연하다"면서 "그동안 전화통지문 교환이나 방송을 통해 이미 된 것으로 이는 기본적 전제"라고 밝혔다.
이와 관련, 김 대변인은 "12일 날 한다는 것은 서로 쌍방이 합의된 전제이며 공통 인식"이라고 설명했다.
이에 따라 지난 2007년 6월 제21차 장관급 회담이 개최된 이후 6년 만에 남북 장관급 회담이 열리게 된 것이 사실상 확정됐다.
김 대변인은 "양측은 (오전회의에서) 각기 모두 발언을 통해 장관급 회담의  의제, 장소와 날짜, 대표단의 규모, 체류 일정, 이동 경로 등 행정적·기술적 사항에 대한 입장을 제시하고 상호 입장에 대한 협의를 진행했다"고 말했다.
이날 회의는 판문점 우리측 평화의 집에서 오전 10시13분께 시작돼 11시까지 진행된 뒤 종료됐다. 이날 실무회담은 남북 당국간에 2년4개월만에 이뤄진 회담이다.
남북은 오전 회의에서 파악된 상대 입장에 대한 내부 검토를 끝낸 뒤 오후  수석 대표 또는 대표단 접촉 등을 통해 추가 협의를 벌인 뒤 최종 내용을 확정할  예정이다.
남북간 합의가 이뤄지면 합의문이 작성돼 발표될 예정이다.
김 대변인은 "남북은 양측 모두 오랜만에, 그리고 새롭게 당국간 회담이 개최된 만큼 실질적인 회담을 위해서 상호 협력해 나가자는 분위기에서 현재까진 별다른 논쟁 없이 차분하게 실무 접촉에 걸맞은 협의를 진행했다"고 회담 분위기를 설명했다.

이날 실무접촉에는 우리 측에서는 천해성 통일부 통일정책실장이, 북한 측에서는 김성혜 조국평화통일위원회(조평통) 서기국 부장이 각각 수석대표를 맡았다. (연합뉴스)

<관련 영문 기사>

Koreas in agreement on holding ministerial meeting in Seoul, exchange details on upcoming talks

South and North Korea are in agreement on holding a ministerial meeting in Seoul next week that can build mutual trust and ease uncertainties on the Korean Peninsula, a government official said Sunday.
In the morning session of the first government-level talks in years at the truce village of Panmunjom, the two sides exchanged views on protocol, location, the agenda and size of the delegation to be present at Wednesday's ministerial meeting planned for Seoul, the Ministry of Unification said.
"The two sides shared the same understanding in regards to the ministers' meeting," said ministry spokesman Kim Hyung-suk, stressing that both Seoul and Pyongyang wanted the meeting to take place.
He said that discussions took place in a calm manner and without any particular contentious issues surfacing. The official also said South and North Korea are reviewing the issues raised by the other side and will arrange further contact to iron out details.  

"Views exchanged are being discussed by both sides, and if both sides come to an understanding, an agreement will be reached," the official said.
He declined to elaborate on the details since negotiations are pending. The official said that while no fixed timetable has been set for the resumption of talks in the afternoon, such details will be arranged by official communication channels.
The morning talks started at 10:13 a.m. at Freedom House on the South Korean side of the joint security area and were concluded a little after 11 a.m.

The meeting came after the North's Committee for the Peaceful reunification of Korea (CPRK) called for working-level talks Friday following its earlier proposal to hold government-level talks to resolve issues such as the Kaesong Industrial Complex, Mount Kumgang tours and reunions of families separated by the Korean War (1950-53).

Seoul has accepted the government-to-government talks and countered by asking for a ministerial-level meeting so all key issues can be discussed by responsible officials.
The communist country had also called for the joint hosting of celebratory events to mark the 13th anniversary of the June 15 South-North Joint Declaration and the 1972 July 4th North-South Joint Statement. The two statements are considered to be key documents that have helped lay the foundation for inter-Korean talks.
Chun Hae-sung, who is leading the three-person South Korean delegation, told reporters before leaving for the talks that every effort will be made to build trust that can lay the foundation for improving South-North relations.
"There is a need to build trust from small issues and the South's goal is to keep faithful to the principle of the 'trust building' process for the Korean Peninsula," the head of the policy setting office at the unification ministry said.

The trust-building process is the main policy goal of South Korean President Park Geun-hye.
He said that the Panmunjom talks aim to lay the successful groundwork for the ministerial-level talks. The official said administrative and technical matters will be discussed.
The North, meanwhile, was represented by Kim Song-hye, a senior official on the CPRK, with extensive experience in negotiations with the South. (Yonhap News)