The Korea Herald


Convicted serial killer commits suicide in prison


Published : March 30, 2010 - 12:54

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연쇄살인범 구치소서 자살


사형 선고를 받고 복역 중이던 연쇄 살인범 정남규(40)가 자살했다. 법무부에 따르면 그는 지난 토요일 오전 자신의 감방에서 검은색 비닐 봉투를 목에 메달아 자살을 기도했고, 이를 뒤늦게 발견한 교도관이 병원으로 후송했으나, 일요일 새벽 사망했다. 유서는 발견되지 않았으며, 자신의 처지를 비관해 자살한 것으로 추정하고 있다. 정은 총 13명을 살해하고 20명에게 중상을 입힌 혐의로 지난 2007년 사형을 선고를 받았다.

A convicted serial murderer on death row died Sunday after a suicide attempt in his prison cell, government officials said, according to the Yonhap News.
Jeong Nam-gyu, 40, died at 2:40 a.m. Sunday while hospitalized after trying to kill himself Saturday inside his cell at the Seoul Detention House in Uiwang, just south of Seoul, police and Justice Ministry officials said.
The death row inmate hung himself using a plastic bag, according to the officials. No will was discovered, but he left a memo on his notepad saying, "Life is like a cloud" and that the government has no intention to abolish capital punishment.
Jeong was convicted in 2007 and was given the death penalty for killing 13 people and injuring seven others between January 2004 and April 2006, including two children he had sexually assaulted. Many of the victims were women and children living in southwestern Seoul.