The Korea Herald


경찰 "신해철 수술 동영상 삭제 흔적 확인못해"

By KH디지털2

Published : Nov. 6, 2014 - 17:53

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신해철씨 사망 사건을 수사 중인 서울 송파경찰서는 신씨의 장협착 수술을 진행한 송파구 S병원의 의료장비를 분석한 결과 수술 당시 동영상이 촬영된 흔적을 찾지 못했다고 6일 밝혔다.

경찰 관계자는 "서버 관리업체의 전문가와 함께 복강경 시술장비와 연결된 서버를 분석한 결과 신씨를 수술할 당시 동영상이 촬영됐거나, 이후 삭제된 정황을 찾지 못했다"고 밝혔다.

경찰은 대신 당시 촬영됐다는 사진 8장을 입수해 분석 중이다.

경찰은 "해당 사진은 동영상을 캡쳐한 것이 아닌 것으로 보인다"면서 "동영상을 찍는 병원도 있고, 그렇지 않은 병원도 있고, 꼭 찍어야 한다는 규정은 없는 상황"이라고 전했다.

다만 경찰은 신씨의 수술 동영상이 존재할 가능성을 완전히 배제하지는 않고 있다.

경찰은 "작동 기록 등을 조작한 흔적도 아직 확인되지 않았다"면서 "동영상이 비정상적 경로로 저장되는 등 다른 이유가 있을 수도 있다고 보고 계속 수사 중"이라고 말했다.

경찰은 전날 S병원 입원실에서 신씨를 담당했던 간호사 2명을 조사했고, 이날은 신씨의 장협착 수술을 함께 했던 간호사 1명과 병상 담당 간호사 1명, 유족 측 관계자 등을 추가로 불러 조사할 방침이다.

상태가 악화돼 S병원에서 이송돼 온 신씨를 응급수술한 아산병원 의료진 2명도 전날 서면조사를 받았다.

신씨의 수술을 집도한 S병원 강모 원장은 휴일인 9일 피고소인 신분으로 소환돼 조사를 받을 예정이다.

경찰 관계자는 "업무상 과실치사 혐의와 관련해 의사가 과연 적절한 수술을 했는지, 그리고 이후에 환자 관리에서 어느 정도로 적절한 진료를 했는지에 중점을 두고 수사해 나가겠다"고 말했다.

그는 "약 2주면 국과수 부검 결과가 나올 전망이고 이후 필요하면 다시 소환조사를 실시한뒤 수사 결과를 종합해 의사협회에 S병원 측의 과실 여부 감정을 의뢰할 방침"이라고 덧붙였다


<관련 영문기사>

Forensic experts to conduct additional autopsy on late singer's body

State forensic experts will perform an autopsy on tissue removed from late rock singer Shin Hae-chul's small intestine to determine whether medical negligence led to his death, police said Wednesday.

The Seoul Songpa Police Station said it has sent the tissue submitted from the Asan Medical Center to the National Forensic Service for an additional autopsy.

The 46-year-old rock singer was pronounced dead at the general hospital in southern Seoul a week ago after being transferred from another hospital identified only by its initial "S," where he received abdominal surgery on Oct. 17. He had been in a coma for five days after the surgery.

Shin's wife has filed a complaint with the police against S hospital to look into alleged medical negligence. The hospital has strongly denied the allegations.

The move came two days after the state forensic service performed an autopsy on the late singer's body for four hours and announced that a 0.3-centimeter-long hole was found in his pericardium during the autopsy, suggesting that the hole might have resulted from the abdominal surgery.

Police earlier revealed, citing records from the Asan hospital, that a centimeter-long hole was found in his intestine when he was transported to the general hospital.

But the forensic experts said they could not see the alleged hole in Shin's small intestine because the Asan hospital had already cut part of his small intestine and stitched it during the emergency operation.

"We requested an additional autopsy in order to know whether the hole found in his small intestine was made by those who conducted the abdominal surgery," a police source close to the investigation said.

On Tuesday, S hospital said it had nothing to do with the two holes allegedly found in Shin's body.

It claimed the hole in his small intestine was probably made when the singer ate food as soon as he was discharged from the hospital although he was not supposed to do so.

Police said they plan to investigate in writing two doctors of the Asan hospital who performed the emergency surgery on Shin, and summon doctors and officials of S hospital this week to determine the exact cause of his death.

Shin's body was cremated at Seoul Memorial Park after a funeral attended only by his family members and friends on Wednesday, nine days after he passed away.

The cremated body was to be placed in a private crypt in Anseong, just south of Seoul, in the afternoon. The family is scheduled to unveil its position on the results of Monday's autopsy at the burial grounds.

Shin, an icon of the 1990s pop musical scene, released more than 30 studio albums and experimented with various genres ranging from modern rock to jazz and techno since his debut in 1988.

The singer had been actively campaigning on a wide range of social issues, including the legalization of marijuana and the scrapping of the adultery law. (Yonhap)