The Korea Herald


[팟캐스트] (487) 실내 마스크 착용 해제 검토/ 성범죄자는 어디 살아야 할까? 조두순 거주지 논란

By Korea Herald

Published : Dec. 22, 2022 - 09:34

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진행자: 최정윤, Beth Eunhee Hong

1. Korea to drop indoor mask rules at schools, public offices in Jan.

기사 요약: 실내 마스크 착용을 단계적으로 해제하는 방안이 검토되고 있다.

[1] South Korea is likely to lift its indoor mandate in two stages, starting with schools and public offices in mid-January, according to multiple health authorities on Sunday. Under the plan, however, the mandatory indoor mask rule will continue to be applied at highly dense spaces such as public transportation and medical institutions including sanatoriums until the government fully lifts the mandate.

*drop: 없애다 (to lift, get rid of)

*lift: 해제하다 (remove)

*sanatoriums: 요양원 (nursing home)

[2] The government, however, is still in discussion about exactly when to implement the stage one plan, and whether to include other public spaces frequently visited by the elderly, such as supermarkets along with schools and public offices.It is expected that the first stage of the indoor mask release could be as early as Jan. 21, when the Lunar New Year holiday begins.

*implement: 시행하다

[3] “Expert discussion will be held before we finalize the mask release, but it is desirable to adjust them before the Lunar New Year holiday as much as possible," a government official said. The kickoff of the stage one plan, however, could be delayed as the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases is on the rise.

*desirable: 바람직한

*kickoff: 개시, 시작

[4] Amid a resurgence of the virus, new mutations such as the BN.1 variant are spreading rapidly, according to health authorities. The spread is expected to continue for the time being as the cold weather continues.

*resurgence: 재유행 (resurgent: 다시 유행하는, 기승을 부리는)

기사 원문:

2. Where do child sex offenders live? Where should they?

기사 요약: 연쇄 성범죄자 조두순의 출소 이후 거주지를 둘러싸고 주민들의 반발이 커지며 연쇄 성범죄자들의 거주를 제한해야 한다는 주장이 거세지고 있다.

[1] At the bottom of a winding path in the quiet neighborhood of Wa-dong, Ansan, Gyeonggi Province, resides one of South Korea's most infamous child sex offenders in a nondescript apartment.

*winding: (도로, 강 등이) 구불구불한

*nondescript: 별 특징이 없는, 평범한, (설명할게 없는)

[2] In 2008, a middle-aged man called Cho Doo-soon sexually attacked and maimed a then-eight-year-old girl in a church restroom. The inhumane assault resulted in unspeakable injuries to the victim, which she still suffers from according to a recent statement by her father.

*maim: 불구로 만들다, 손상시키다 (incapacitate)

[3] Two years ago, tension sizzled under the surface of the quiet neighborhood when it was first announced that an infamous child sex offender would move in. Similar tension can be found in the city of Hwaseong, Gyeonggi Province, where residents want to oust serial rapist Park Byung-hwa. The series of incidents has brought forth a question: Should pedophiles and convicted sex offenders be not allowed to live near schools, or in areas inhabited by children? Where should they live?

*sizzle: (튀기는 음식이) 지글지글 소리를 내다, 부글부글 끓다

*oust: 몰아내다, 내쫒다

*bring forth: ~를 낳다, 가져오다. (질문을 던지다)

기사 원문:

[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]


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