The Korea Herald


여야, 국정원 개혁특위 구성 및 국회 정상화 합의

By 오규욱

Published : Dec. 3, 2013 - 22:33

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여야가 3일 국가정보원 개혁 특위 구성에 합의했다. 또 내년 예산안과 관련 법률안을 올해 안에 합의 처리하기로 하고, 국가기관의 대선개입 의혹 수사를 위한 특검 도입 문제는 추후 계속 논의키로 했다.

여야는 3일 밤 양당 대표, 원내대표 4자 회담을 다시 열어 이같이 합의했다. 새누리당 황우여 대표•최경환 원내대표와 민주당 김한길 대표•전병헌 원내대표는 3일 여야 대치 상황을 풀기 위해 오전과 오후 두 차례에 걸쳐 4자 회담을 가졌으나, 합의점을 찾지 못했다. 

하지만, 여야는 오후 8시경 다시 4자 회담을 재개했고, 이 회의에서 국정원 개혁 특위에 전격 합의했다. 여야는 이날 합의에 따라 4일부터 정기국회를 정상화하기로 했다.

<관련 영어 기사>

Parties agree to normalize parliament

Rival parties on Tuesday agreed to form special parliamentary committees on reforming the state spy agency and political procedures.

The ruling Saenuri Party and the opposition Democratic Party also agreed to normalize the National Assembly operations and pass the government budget bill before the end of the year.

But they failed to reach consensus on the main opposition party’s demand for an independent investigation into the National Intelligence Service’s alleged meddling in last year’s presidential election.

The deal was clinched during a meeting of the chairmen and floor leaders of the two parties after the working day had ended.

The envisioned committee on NIS reform will be headed by an opposition lawmaker and will have the right to draw up and propose a legislative bill, according to the five-point joint statement announced by their spokespersons. 

They also agreed on a set of key agenda for the committee, including tougher measures to prevent spy agents from interfering in politics and elections and enhancing the NIS’ capabilities for fighting terrorism, North Korea and cyber-attacks.

The political reform committee will largely concern the rules for local elections. They tentatively agree to ban political parties from nominating candidates for elections for governors and councilors in low-level administrative units. The panel will be headed by a Saenuri member.

Each of the two committees will consist of the same numbers of lawmakers from both parties, the spokesmen said. The parties promised to pass bills related to the special bodies on Thursday.

The spokesmen said the party will also deal with the much-delayed government spending plan within the year and other pending bills as early as possible.

As for the stickiest issue of an independent probe into the NIS election interference allegations, they will further discuss “the timing and scope,“ according to the joint statement.

The agreement was reached at the third meeting of the party leaders. Their negotiations began Monday after Saenuri Party chairman Rep. Hwang Woo-yea requested that the two sides meet without preconditions in an effort to end the DP’s boycott of the parliament.

The main opposition has been staging a boycott since Friday in protest of Saenuri Party unilaterally approving Hwang Chan-hyon’s nomination as the new chief of the Board of Audit and Inspection.

By Choi He-suk (