The Korea Herald


N. Korea reportedly attempting to assassinate S. Korean defense chief: sources


Published : Aug. 10, 2011 - 10:42

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North Korea is apparently trying to assassinate South Korea's defense chief known for his hard-line stance against Pyongyang, government sources here said Wednesday.

A source said Seoul has "received intelligence" that North Korea is after Defense Minister Kim Kwan-jin.

"The defense minister is a key official and we're always keeping close tabs on his security," one source said. "When he has to leave the office for functions and other commitments, we do take extra care."

Another source said the military and intelligence officials are trying to determine the number of would-be assassins, and whether they are North Korean agents sent by Pyongyang or foreign nationals who entered the South from a third country under a North Korean order. The source said the assassins could also be North Korean agents already stationed in the South.

Kim has been reportedly escorted by armed military police officers in plain clothes when venturing outside his office.

Since assuming the post last December, Kim has taken tough stance on North Korea for its deadly provocations in 2010 that killed 50 South Koreans. The former Army general has called on South Korean forces to respond immediately to future North Korean provocations.

North Korea has frequently balked at Kim's remarks and its state media has dubbed him an "anti-North Korea confrontation maniac" and a "traitor." (Yonhap News)

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군ㆍ정보당국 실체파악 주력..신변보호 강화

북한 공작조가 김관진 국방장관을 암살 하려 한다는 첩보가 입수된 것으로 전해졌다.

정부 소식통은 10일 "북한이 김 장관을 암살하려 한다는 첩보가 있어 나름대로 신경을 쓰고 있으며 외부 행사가 있을 때는 사전 점검을 한다"고 말했다.

군과 정보 당국은 김 장관을 겨냥한 북한 암살조의 규모와 형태 등을 파악하기 위해 총력전을 기울이는 것으로 알려졌다.

김 장관의 외부 이동 때 수 명의 무장 헌병이 사복차림으로 경호를 벌이고 있으며 외부식사 때에도 식당과 주변을 사전에 점검하는 것으로 알려졌다.

북한의 연평도 포격도발 이후인 지난해 12월 초 취임한 김 장관은 북한의 추가 도발 시 원점타격 등을 언급하며 강경 대응을 주문해왔다.

북한은 김 장관에 대해 역도라는 표현을 써가며 "민족공동의 이름으로 처형하기 위한 범국민적인 조치를 취해야 한다"고 주장해왔다. (연합뉴스)