The Korea Herald


Bong to direct short film on Japanese earthquake

By 박한나

Published : July 29, 2011 - 15:45

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Bong Joon-ho, the director and screenwriter of hit films, “The Host” and “Memories of Murder,” will direct a short film on the tragic March earthquake in Japan, according to reports.

Bong Joon-ho (Korea Herald file photo) Bong Joon-ho (Korea Herald file photo)

The South Korean director is one of 60 film directors expected to join in an omnibus movie project aimed at paying respects to quake victims. Among the 60 directors, 40 are Japanese and the rest are foreign, reports said.

Each participating director will produce a 3-minute, 11-second piece in memory of March 11, the day Japan was hit by the massive natural disaster.

Foreign directors including Bong will tie in their works to create an hour long film, while the works of 40 Japanese directors will be shown separately. 

Both productions will be screened in the Sendai Short Film Festival and Nara International Film festival, to be held in September and October, respectively.

The 41-year-old Korean film director gained acclaim with “Memories of Murder” and box-office hit “The Host,” which remains the highest-grossing Korean film of all time. Bong served as the head juror for the Caméra d‘Or section of the 2011 Cannes Film Festival.

By Christopher Kim
Intern reporter

<한글 기사>

"봉준호 감독, 日 대지진 관련 단편영화 제작"

봉준호 감독 등 전 세계 영화감독 60명이 일본대지진과 관련된 단편영화를 만들 계획이라고 일본 언론이 28일 보도했다. 

봉 감독 등은 동일본대지진이 일어난 날짜인 3월11일을 잊지 말자는 뜻에서 3분 11초 분량의 영화를 제작할 예정이다. 

봉 감독 등 외국인 감독 20명이 만든 영상을 연결해 약 60분짜리 작품을 만들고, 일본인 감독 40명이 만든 작품은 별도로 상영할 계획이다.

이들 영화는 9∼10월에 열리는 센다이(仙台) 단편영화제 나라(奈良)국제영화제 등에서 상영된다. (연합뉴스)