Articles by 김정보
Froome rides to victory in 100th Tour de France
I won't let you down like Lance Armstrong. This Tour de France champion is for real.That, in so many words, is the promise Chris Froome made as the newest winner of cycling's showcase race so badly hurt over the years by riders who doped to win it.Because of their deceit, Froome faced a barrage of questions as he dominated rivals over three weeks of racing, all centered on the same key concern: Can we believe in you?Yes, he insisted. The sport is changing, he argued. He handled the scrutiny poli
More Sports July 22, 2013
Lawyer unaware of any arrest warrant for Yoon Chang-jung
It remains unclear whether Yoon Chang-jung, a former South Korean presidential spokesman, will stand trial in the U.S. on charges of molesting an embassy intern, his attorney said Sunday.Kim Suk-han, a lawyer and partner with law firm Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld in Washington, D.C., dismissed a news report that U.S. law-enforcement authorities have issued an arrest warrant for Yoon. President Park Geun-hye fired Yoon, 56, while visiting the U.S. in early May as he was accused of sexually abus
Social Affairs July 22, 2013
Phil Mickelson wins British Open for 1st time
One of the greatest final rounds in a major. Two of the best shots he ever struck with a 3-wood. The third leg of the Grand Slam.Phil Mickelson never imagined any of this happening at the British Open.No wonder he never took his hand off the base of that silver claret jug as he talked about the best Sunday he ever had at a major. Five shots out of the lead, Mickelson blew past Tiger Woods, caught up to Lee Westwood and Masters champion Adam Scott, and won golf's oldest championship with the lowe
Golf July 22, 2013
미 장관 이름 세번 틀린 기재부
기획재정부는 한국시간으로 지난 20일 밤 한미 재무장관 면담결과 요약자료를 언론에 배포했다.현오석 부총리 겸 기재부 장관이 G20 재무장관-중앙은행총재 회의에 참석차 모스크바에 머물던 시점이다.이 보도자료는 “양국은 세원확보를 위한 조세회피 방지의 중요성을 인정했다”고 밝히고 있다. “미국의 해외금융계좌납세순응법(FATCA)을 집행하기 위한 양국 정부간 협정에 진전이 있었다”는 내용도 포함됐다.FATCA가 한미 양국 간에도 발효되면 국내 금융회사들은 미화 5만불 이상의 현금을 예치한 미국인들(재미교포 포함)의 계좌를 미 세무당국에 통보해야 한다. 불이행 시에는 금융회사가 벌금을 물게 된다.기재부는 그러나 이후 다시 배포한 자료에서 해당 부분을 삭제했다. 삭제 이유에 대한 설명은 전혀 없었다.수정했다는 공지 또한 없었기 때문에 같은 자료를 단순히 두 번 송부한 것으로 여겨질 수도 있는 상황이다.상당수 매체가 이 내용을 온라인 기사에서 다뤘고 기재부는 그제야 “한미금융거래정보 제공협정
한국어판 July 21, 2013
Gov't revokes financial support for Gwangju int'l swimming championships
The central government has retracted its plan to render financial support for the Gwangju world swimming championships after the local government was found to have forged a bid document to host the event, officials said Sunday, a move that could cause much trouble in running the event."We define the Gwangju city government's forgery of a document guaranteeing the central government's financial support as a case in which a municipal government deceived a state organization, disrupting the discipl
Politics July 21, 2013
N.K. warns of 'catastrophe' from S. Korea-U.S. military drill
North Korea warned Sunday of a "catastrophe" if South Korea and the United States push ahead with their annual military drill next month.The Ulchi Freedom Guardian (UFG) is one of the two joint military drills South Korea and the United States have been staging annually to test and improve their defense posture against the rival North. Pyongyang, however, has routinely criticized the drills as a rehearsal for a war against the North.This year's edition of the computer simulation exercise is sche
North Korea July 21, 2013
S. Korea to spend combined 10 tln won on new drug development by 2017
The South Korean government will spend a combined 10 trillion won ($8.9 billion) on the project to develop 20 new drugs over the next five years in collaboration with private local drug makers, the health ministry said Sunday.The government will also form a fund of 500 billion won to help the local pharmaceutical companies expand their presence in the global drug market by acquiring promising overseas drug makers during the same period, the ministry said.The new drug development project aims to
Industry July 21, 2013
Koreans drink over 330 cups of coffee a year
South Korean adults drank more than 330 cups of coffee per person annually in 2011, a report by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs said Sunday. In a report on the local consumption of processed foods, the ministry said annual domestic consumption of coffee products totaled about 1.26 trillion won (US$1.12 billion) as of 2011.The consumption volume indicates that adult South Koreans drank an average of 331 cups of coffee a year, said the ministry report compiled on the basis of a
Industry July 21, 2013
Comic creations cross borders to film, TV, makeup
There's no such thing as just a comic book hero anymore. From big-screen films and small-screen animation to books, clothes and makeup, the hero business is big business.Two decades ago, the only place to find the X-Men was in the pages of comics and on Saturday morning cartoons. Now, they, and others, like Superman, Batman and the zombies from ``The Walking Dead'' are cultural juggernauts, crossing over into everything. And nowhere is that more evident than at Comic-Con International.Once just
World News July 21, 2013
Media: Japan ruling bloc wins upper house election
Japanese broadcasters projected that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's ruling coalition won a majority of seats in the upper house of parliament in elections Sunday, giving it control of both chambers for the first time in six years.The win is seen as an endorsement of Abe's economic program, which has helped spark a tentative recovery, and gives him a legislative mandate to pursue difficult economic reforms that he has promised to help sustain growth in the long run.The victory in the elections, wher
World News July 21, 2013
상반기 해외 관광객 700만명 돌파…사상 최대
올해 상반기 해외 관광객이 700만 명을 돌파하며 역대 최고치를 기록한 것으로 나타났다.21일 한국관광공사에 따르면 올해 1∼6월 해외로 나간 관광객은 722만9천여명으로 집계됐다.이는 지난해 659만5천여 명에 비해 9.6% 증가한 것으로, 700만 명을 넘어선 것은 올해가 처음이다.경기 불황에도 `레저 열풍'이 불면서 휴가철이 아닌 상반기에도 해외 관광이 급증했기 때문으로 보인다.올해는 특히 엔저 현상으로 일본에 다녀오는 여행객이 1∼4월 기준 37.4% 뛰어 오르면서 성장세를 견인했다.연도별로는 2006년 543만1천여 명으로 500만 명을 넘어선 뒤 2007년 647만여 명, 2008년 657만여 명으로 성장했다.그러나 금융위기와 신종 플루 여파로 2009년엔 447만2천여 명으로 주춤하다가 2010년 593만4천여 명, 2011년 616만4천여 명으로 꾸준히 증가하고 있다.올해 상반기 입국한 외국인 관광객은 553만 명으로 지난해에 비해 3.6% 증가하는 데 그쳤다.이에 따
한국어판 July 21, 2013
공주사대부고, 유스호스텔 대표 해경에 고발
경찰은 지난 토요일 공주사대부고 학생 5명이 파도에 휩쓸려 숨진 사고와 관련해 유스호스텔 대표를 포함한 5명을 업무상 과실치사 혐의로 조사를 받았다고 태안경찰이 밝혔다.유스호스텔 김(49) 대표는 서울에서 150km 떨어진 태안에서 200여명의 학생이 캠프에 참여했지만 참사가 일어나 업무상 과실치사 혐의를 받고 있다. 학생 5명의 시신은 모두 발견했고 물살이 거셌음에도 불구하고 강사의 지시로 바닷물에 들어간 것이라고 경찰조사를 통해 밝혀졌다. 하지만 관련 강사는 현장에서 체포되지 않았고 사건 이후 연락이 닿지 않았다.관계자들에 의하면 지난 토요일 해병대 체험 사고 관련 업체인 여행사를 대상으로 압수수색을 버린 것으로 알려졌다.한편, 유가족들은 책임자에 대한 강력한 처벌이 이행되고 수사 결과가 발표되기 이전에 장례절차를 밟지 않겠다고 말했다. <관련 영문 기사>Teacher questioned on negligence charges over deaths of 5 studentsPo
한국어판 July 21, 2013
S. Korea's overseas travelers top record 7 million in H1
The number of South Korea's overseas tourists topped 7 million in the first half for the first time, official data showed Sunday.The Korea Tourism Organization said a record 7.23 million South Korean residents traveled overseas in the January-June period, up 9.6 percent from 6.59 million a year earlier.The state-run organization explained that a growing leisure boom among locals has contributed to the rapid increase in overseas departures.Notably, the number of South Korean visitors to Japan jum
July 21, 2013
Wave of bombings kills 65 in Baghdad province
A wave of bombings killed 65 people in Baghdad province on Saturday night, officials said, as Iraq struggles to contain its worst violence since 2008, in which over 520 have died this month.Twelve car bombs and a roadside bomb hit the city of Baghdad, while another bomb exploded in Madain to the south of the capital, a police colonel and a medical official said.The blasts also wounded 190 people.The bombs struck as Baghdad residents turned out to shop and relax in cafes after iftar, the meal tha
World News July 21, 2013
Egypt forms committee to amend constitution
Egypt's interim president selected a team of legal experts Saturday to rewrite controversial portions of the Islamist-drafted constitution, as the military-backed leadership moved quickly to try to capitalize on the coup that ousted the country's first freely elected leader.While supporters of former President Mohammed Morsi still protest in the streets, Egypt's new prime minister called for consensus and participation of all political groups. But Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood group officially has
World News July 21, 2013
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