Articles by 김정보
북, 대미 비난 공세..."한번도 정세 격화 진범은 미국"
북한은 23일 한반도 정세를 격화시키는 '진짜 범인'이 미국이라면서 대미 비난 공세를 이어갔다.노동당 기관지 노동신문은 이날 개인 필명의 글에서 미국을 6·25전쟁을 일으킨 '도발자', 정전협정을 휴지장으로 만든 '범죄자', 한반도 핵위기를 몰아온 '진범인'이라고 비난했다. 신문은 미국이 한국과 일본 등과 함께 한반도 주변에서 진행하는 각종 합동군사연습은 방어용이 아니라 '북침 전쟁용'이라며 한반도의 평화와 안정을 파괴하는 근원은 미국의 '대조선 적대시정책'에 있다고 주장했다. 이어 최근 북한이 북미 고위급회담을 제안했다며 하지만 "미국은 우리가 먼저 비핵화 의지를 보이고 도발과 위협을 중단해야 대화를 할 수 있다고 횡설수설한다"고 주장했다. 신문은 한반도에서 비핵화는 결코 북핵폐기만을 위한 비핵화가 아니라면서 "우리가 주장하는 비핵화는 남조선을 포함한 조선반도 전 지역의 비핵화이고 우리에 대한 미국의 핵위협을 종국적으로 끝장내는 것"이라고 기존 주장을 거듭 밝혔다.그러면서 미국은
한국어판 June 23, 2013
폭스바겐 3개 차종 변속기 결함 리콜
국토교통부는 폭스바겐 골프와 제타 등 3개의 모델을 시정조치(리콜) 한다고 23일 밝혔다.DSG변속기 (수동 기반 자동변속기) 기어제어장치의 전기적 결함으로 인해 리콜 조치를 했다고 밝혔다. 리콜 대상은 2010년 5월 31일에서 2011년 8월 27일 사이에 제작된 골프 1.4 TSI 370대, 골프 1.6 TDI BMT 1078대, 제타 1.6 TDI BMT 482대 등 3개 차종에서 1천 930대다.<관련 영문 기사>Volkswagen ordered to recall 1,930 vehiclesGerman automaker Volkswagen has been ordered to recall three models of its Golf subcompact and Jetta sedan, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport said Sunday.The latest recall is related to electrical flaws
한국어판 June 23, 2013
Volkswagen ordered to recall 1,930 vehicles
German automaker Volkswagen has been ordered to recall three models of its Golf subcompact and Jetta sedan, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport said Sunday.The latest recall is related to electrical flaws in the German cars' gear transmission system, the ministry said.The recall will affect a total of 1,930 Volkswagen vehicles, comprising 370 units of the Golf 1.4 TSI, 1,078 units of the Golf 1.6 TDI BMT and 482 units of the Jetta 1.6 TDI BMT, all built between May 31, 2010 and Au
Industry June 23, 2013
N. Korea denuclearization talks gain speed among six-party member
International efforts to get North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons are gaining speed as countries committed to the denuclearization process in the past get ready for fresh rounds of negotiations following Pyongyang's latest talks overtures, diplomatic sources said Sunday.Sources in Seoul said that members of the six-party talks, who halted all formal meetings following the North's failed attempt to launch a long-range rocket in April 2012, are moving forward to lay the foundation for possib
North Korea June 23, 2013
스노든 추가폭로..."미국, 중국 이통사 해킹"
미국 정부가 중국의 이동통신 기업들을 해킹해 문자 수백만 건을 접수 했다는 사실을 CIA 출신 에드워드 스노든이 추가로 폭로했다.중국의 칭화대학교와 아시아 최대의 통신서비스 제공 회사인 퍼시픽 인터넷도 해킹 대상이였다고 말했다. 스노든은 미 연방 검찰로부터 간첩활동 혐의로 기소 되었으며 현재 홍콩에서 자취를 감춘 채 생활하고 있다."미 국가안보국은 문자 데이터를 해킹하기 위해 수단과 방법을 가리지 않고 중국의 이동통신 기업들을 해킹하고 있다”라고 스노든이 인터뷰서 밝혔다. 또 이를 뒷받침 할만한 증거들을 가지고 있다고 홍콩 사우스차이나모닝포스트가 보도했다.이번 추가 폭로는 영국 정부가 전세계 인터넷과 전화선을 해킹했다는 발표 직후 이루어졌다. 영국 거디언지는 영국의 비밀정보국이 개인정보들을 미국 국가 안보국과 공유하고 있다고 밝혔다.홍콩 신문사는 개인 컴퓨터에 접근할 수 있는“중심 네트워크”를 대상으로 전세계적으로 6만건 이상의 작전을 펼쳤다고 이전에 밝혔다.스노든은 토요일에 공개된
한국어판 June 23, 2013
Record 70 business leaders to accompany Park on China visit
A record 70 South Korean business leaders are expected to accompany President Park Geun-hye on her visit to China set to begin on June 27, business and political sources said Sunday.Samsung Electronics Chairman Lee Kun-hee has reportedly decided not to travel to China, but most other business leaders, including Hyundai Motor Group Chairman Chung Mong-koo and LG Group Chairman Koo Bon-moo, will be included in the delegation, said the sources. "The list of the business delegation to China is close
Politics June 23, 2013
‘불한당’ 한국 힙합 1세대의 귀환
불한당이 힙합씬에 등장하기까지는 오랜 기간이 걸렸다. 불한당이라는 크루는 작년에 정식으로 출범했으나, 멤버들은 지난 12일에 발매 되었던 최신 앨범을 제작하기 위해 3년동안 노력을 기울였다.한국 힙합 1세대로 활동했던 21명의 래퍼, 디제이, 프로듀서로 이루어진 불한당은 존재 자체만으로도 그 위엄을 과시한다. 코리아헤럴드와의 인터뷰에서 MC 메타는 “형, 동생 사이로 짧게는 8년, 길게는 15년 정도 알고 지냈다”라고 말했다. 현재 MC 메타는 엠넷에서 방영중인 “쇼미 더 머니 시즌 2”에 출현하고 있다. 프로듀서 아티잔 비츠는 “불한당이 여러 크루가 하나로 모인 것이기 때문에 모든 인원이 서로 의견을 조합하는데 어려움을 겪었다”고 설명했다. 이번에 발매된 세 번째 앨범 “절충: Vol.3”의 의미는 새롭다. “예전 한국 언더그라운드 힙합은 음악적이면서 실험적이면서 동시에 자기 멋과 낭만이 있었다. 그런데 지금의 언더그라운드 힙합씬에서는 자기음악의 구현보다는 (상업적인) 성공이 너
한국어판 June 21, 2013
Mueller: FBI uses drones for surveillance
The FBI uses drones for surveillance of stationary subjects, and the privacy implications of such operations are ``worthy of debate,'' FBI Director Robert Mueller said Wednesday.He said the law enforcement agency very seldom uses drones now, but is developing guidelines that will shape how unmanned aerial vehicles are to be used.There will be a number of issues regarding drones ``as they become more omnipresent, not the least of which is the drones in airspace and also the threat on privacy,'' M
World News June 20, 2013
Fed suggests it's closer to slowing bond purchases
In a move that could send interest rates higher, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke ended weeks of speculation Wednesday by saying the Federal Reserve will likely slow its bond-buying program this year and end it next year because the economy is strengthening.The Fed's purchases of Treasury and mortgage bonds have helped keep long-term interest rates at record lows. A pullback in its extraordinary $85 billion-a-month program would likely mean higher rates on mortgages and other consumer and business loan
World Business June 20, 2013
US calls out China, Russia over human trafficking
The U.S. has accused China and Russia of failing to meet minimum standards in fighting human trafficking, ranking them on a par with North Korea and Syria.The State Department downgraded China and Russia in rankings on how 188 governments around the world have performed in fighting the flesh trade and other forms of exploitative labor.Rights activists are welcoming the move, but it could further strain Washington's touchy relations with the two world powers.The U.S. also downgraded Uzbekistan ov
World News June 20, 2013
Italy rallies to beat Japan 4-3 at Confed Cup
Italy rallied from a two-goal deficit to beat Japan and countryman Alberto Zaccheroni 4-3 Wednesday, earning a spot in the Confederations Cup semifinals.First-half substitute Sebastian Giovinco scored the winner in the 86th minute of an entertaining match at the Arena Pernambuco, pounding home a cross from Claudio Marchisio.After a dismal start for the Azzurri that saw Japan score twice in the opening 33 minutes, Daniele De Rossi pulled one back with a header in the 41st, Japan defender Atsuto
Soccer June 20, 2013
Neymar inspires Brazil to 2-0 win over Mexico
Neymar made the difference for Brazil again on Wednesday, scoring in the ninth minute and making one for Jo to give the hosts a 2-0 win over Mexico and virtually secure a spot in the semifinals of the Confederations Cup.The Brazilian striker scored his second goal of the tournament with a left-footed volley from just inside the penalty box after Mexican defenders failed to clear a cross, then slipped past two defenders at once to set up Jo for an easy goal in second-half injury time.``I'm happy
Soccer June 20, 2013
Russia could stand in way of Obama's nuclear cuts
By saying he intends to bargain with Russia over new reductions in nuclear weapons, rather than make cuts on his own, President Barack Obama is asking for cooperation from a former Cold War foe in no mood to agree.Relations between Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin are tense, reflecting U.S. concerns about human rights abuses in Russia, the two leaders' disagreement over Syria's civil war and other points of contention.That does not mean the U.S. won't eventually shrink its arsenal beyo
World News June 20, 2013
Sales at department stores rise, but drop at discount outlets in May
Sales at the country's major department stores grew slightly from a year earlier but sales of three major discount outlet chains here continued to drop last month, the government said Thursday.According to the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, combined sales of three department store chains rose 1 percent from the same month last year in May.The ministry did not reveal the actual amount, but said May sales marked a 7.1 percent gain from the previous month, when the department store chains
Industry June 20, 2013
S. Korea calls for 'actions' on denuclearization by N. Korea
South Korea's top nuclear envoy, Cho Tae-yong, urged North Korea Tuesday to take "actions" to assure that it is serious about denuclearization as he began a three-day trip to Washington for consultations on ways to deal with Pyongyang."North Korea should show its will for a real denuclearization through actions," Cho, who serves as South Korea's special representative for Korean Peninsula peace and security affairs, told reporters upon arriving.His trip comes amid renewed efforts to revive negot
Defense June 19, 2013
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