TAIPEI, Aug. 1, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- As an integral part of civilization, transportation is an important component to technological transformation. Smart parking and Augmented Reality (AR) navigation are two aspects of transportation that are being discussed around the world. Given Taiwan's strong technology foundation, it has also incorporated these new concepts and developed its own business models within transportation.

Usually, drivers spend a lot of time searching for parking spaces. This is not only time-consuming and frustrating for drivers, but it also produces avoidable greenhouse gas emissions. In response, the government of Tainan launched Tainan Smart Parking app and installed geomagnetic sensors in parking spots to obtain real-time information on roadside parking. With the assistance of the smart parking system, drivers can save 15.09% of time spent on parking. Even better, it could reduce CO2 emissions by 14.97% per city.

So far, 70% of parking spots, or 8,400 out of 12,000, in Tainan City have been included in the smart parking platform. With the management platform, the turnover rate of parking spots along key roads increases by 19.2. In addition, over 10,000 users use the smart parking app, which has received a 4.4/ 5 rating on the app store.

In terms of navigation, large train stations have implemented AR navigation services that help identify users' surroundings by comparing real-time images from their camera to an online image database. The Taipei government launched the Taipei Navi app to provide indoor AR navigation in Taipei Train Station. The Taipei Navi app connects users' Bluetooth to the widespread beacons situated inside the station. It utilizes the users' camera to provide AR services and prevents them from missing their trains. The app improves travelers' shopping and traveling experiences in Taiwan and has since been exported to Singapore and Saint Vincent.

In sum, the Taiwanese smart transportation industry has a promising future, and it is dedicated to improving the lives of millions of people through technological development.

About Taiwan's Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs

The Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs has been running the Smart City Taiwan project since 2018. Smart City Taiwan aims to utilize all types of smart technologies (such as IoT, Big Data, and AI) to effectively integrate local, industry, and civilian needs. The project speeds up collaboration and integration between cities and towns to drive local and country innovation. To date, Smart City Taiwan has deployed 224 projects covering six major aspects including agriculture, education, healthcare, transportation, tourism, and governance.

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