The Korea Herald


[Editorial] Overhaul COVID measures

Daily new cases top 2,000 despite social distancing; nation faces new situation

By Korea Herald

Published : Aug. 13, 2021 - 05:30

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The number of new daily COVID-19 cases exceeded 2,000 for the first time. The ongoing fourth wave appears to be hard to curb. It keeps gaining momentum despite the toughest prevention measures. The daily count increased to 2,223 as of 12 a.m. Tuesday. It is the highest number since the country’s first COVID patient was reported on Jan. 20 last year.

As the fourth surge started early last month, the government raised social distancing to the highest Level 4 for the greater Seoul area, which covers the capital, Incheon and Gyeonggi Province. Under the emergency measures, private gatherings are greatly restricted. Nonetheless, it did not even so much as put a dent in the infection numbers. The fourth wave looks different from the previous three that were checked by stronger social distancing. The highly contagious delta variant plays a decisive role. The pandemic situation seems to have entered a whole new phase that the nation has not experienced.

Considering difficulties in people’s livelihoods due to prolonged social distancing and their accumulated fatigue, it is difficult to strengthen distancing further. A reconsideration of the response paradigm is inevitable. This does not mean, however, that it is OK to loosen preventive measures. The government needs to refine its responses to the new situation. It must not only repeat such irresponsible steps as ordering people to stay at home.

The most concerning issue is the possible paralysis of medical systems. To help reduce the burden on hospitals, it is necessary to cut the number of COVID-19 patients in critical condition. To do so, the government should speed up the second vaccine shots particularly to those in their 50s, who are regarded as vulnerable to the delta variant. It is wise to expedite vaccination completion rather than raise the first-shot vaccination rate.

Experts expect that it would be difficult to end the pandemic completely even after more than 70 percent of people in a nation are vaccinated. The virus may become an endemic one that breaks out periodically like the seasonal flu. If so, it would be wise to try to control the situation through proper preventive measures and inoculations, rather than to try to end it once and for all.

Of course, still the best response is to increase vaccinations. The country’s low vaccination rate is worrisome. In terms of the vaccination completion rate, Korea is the lowest among 38 members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Moreover, its introduction of vaccines had been delayed several times, and as a consequence its vaccination schedule had to be changed.

In response to problems with the delivery of Moderna vaccines, the government extended the intervals between the first and second shots with Moderna and Pfizer vaccines from four weeks to six weeks. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend getting the second shot of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines three and four weeks after the first jab, respectively.

The government is adjusting the vaccination interval depending on the vaccine supply situation, not on the efficacy of vaccination. The delay of second shots puts people at a greater risk of being exposed to the delta variant. People are uneasy over the efficacy of delayed second shots, but there is no explanation at all about the interval extension.

Referring to the daily tally topping 2,000, Moon said that the recent wave is a worldwide phenomenon due to the spread of the delta variant. He also said that Korea is in a relatively better situation than other countries. He seems to be talking of Korea as if it is a foreign country. There is no mention of an apology nor an expression of regret for failure to secure a sufficient supply of vaccines.

The supply of vaccines is insufficient and intervals between shots are frequently changed. This is not a worldwide phenomenon, but one that happens in Korea. The government’s ill-founded rosy vision and excessive self-praise will only fan distrust. Its irresponsible remarks frustrate people who are enduring inconvenience and hardships due to the preventive measures.

The government must face reality, disclose information clearly to people and overhaul its measures to prevent the disease and secure vaccines.