The Korea Herald


[팟캐스트] (344) 코로나 확산 관련 증오 범죄 / 타다 베이직 종료

By Korea Herald

Published : March 18, 2020 - 09:10

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진행자: 손지형, Paul Kerry

1. [Newsmaker] Korean punched in the face in NY for not wearing mask

요약: 뉴욕 맨해튼에서 코로나19 확산과 관련해 여성이 인종차별성 증오 범죄 대상이 되었음. 

[1] A 23-year-old South Korean student was punched in the face for not wearing a face mask in New York, in what appears to be a hate crime against Asians amid virus fears, reports said Friday.

*punch A in the face: A의 얼굴을 가격하다
*hate crime: 증오 범죄

[2] According to the reports, the student was entering a building in midtown Manhattan on Tuesday when she was grabbed by the hair and punched in the face. The alleged attacker reportedly attends an institution located in the same building as the victim’s language school.

*grab A by the hair: A의 머리채를 잡다
*alleged: 혐의를 받는
*reportedly: 보도에 따르면

[3] The victim was taken to a hospital and may have a dislocated jaw, according to reports.

*take A to a hospital: A를 병원에 데려가다
*have a dislocated jaw: 턱이 탈골 되다

[4] New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo issued a statement saying, “I am disgusted to hear that a woman of Asian descent was physically assaulted in Manhattan on Tuesday, an attack apparently motivated by the bigoted notion that an Asian person is more likely to carry or transmit the novel coronavirus.

*descent: 혈통
*A be motivated by B: B가 A의 원인이 되다
*bigoted: 편견이 아주 심한
*transmit: 전염시키다

기사 전문:

2. Tada to end van-hailing service in April

요약: 타다금지법이 국회 본회의를 통과하며, 타다가 4월에 서비스 종료 선언

[1] After the National Assembly passed a controversial bill last week that dealt a severe blow to ride-hailing service Tada, service operator VCNC has decided to “indefinitely suspend” the service on April 10, according to the company on Thursday.

*pass a bill: 법안을 통과하다
*controversial: 논란의 여지가 있는
*deal a blow to: 충격을 주다
*indefinitely: 무기한으로
*suspend: 중단하다

[2] VCNC said that it has requested 30 percent of its 20 employees resign, following the company’s plan to downsize the workforce due to the suspension of the service.

*resign: 퇴직하다, 물러나다
*downsize (the workforce): 인력을 감축하다
*suspension: 중단

[3] On Friday last week, Korean lawmakers voted to pass the revision of the transportation law, in an attempt to put an end to the conflict between the service operator and taxi companies prior to the general election in April.

*lawmaker: 국회의원
*vote to: -하는 것에 찬성표를 던지다
*put an end to: 종식시키다
*general election: 총선

[4] According to the amendment, ride-hailing companies will only be able to use rental vans with 11-15 seats at limited pickup points at air or sea ports.

[5] Although the bill will take effect one year after it is proclaimed into law with a six-month grace period, VCNC said CEO Park Jae-wook gave notice to Tada drivers on Wednesday that the company will terminate its main service Tada Basic from April 10.

*take effect: 효력이 생기다
*proclaimed into law: 공표되다
*grace period: 유예 기간
*terminate: 종료하다

기사 전문: