The Korea Herald


[팟캐스트] (309) 직장내 괴롭힘 방지법 시행 / 국내 기업, 일본 수출규제에 비상대책 마련

By Korea Herald

Published : July 17, 2019 - 11:09

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진행자: 김보경, Kevin Lee Selzer

1. Workplace anti-bullying law takes effect

기사요약: 직장 내 괴롭힘 금지법이 7월 16일 시행됐다. 이 법이 시행됨에 따라 사용자나 근로자가 지위나 관계 우위를 이용해 다른 근로자에게 업무상 적정 범위를 넘어선 신체적, 정신적 고통을 주거나 근무 환경을 악화시키는 행위에 대해 누구든 사업주에 신고할 수 있으며, 사업주는 조사를 벌여 피해자 보호와 가해자 징계 등의 조치를 해야된다.

[1] A new law aimed at preventing harassment in the workplace took effect in South Korea on Tuesday, bringing the widespread but overlooked issue of bullying at work into the legal domain.

*harassment: 괴롭힘
*took effect: 시행되다
*widespread: 만연
*overlook: 간과

[2] A revised law on labor standards, commonly called the workplace anti-bullying law, went into effect after a six-month grace period.

*grace period: 유예 기간

[3] Under the new law, workplace harassment is defined as an act of incurring physical or mental suffering or a worsening of the work environment by employers or workers using their status or power to behave beyond the scope of working norms.

*incur: 초래하다, 입다
*beyond: 넘어서
*scope: 범위
*norm: 규범

[4] If workplace harassment is reported, employers should immediately investigate it and take proper action, such as preventing victims from working with perpetrators in the same place.

*perpetrator: 가해자, 범인

[5] If retaliatory or discriminatory measures are taken against victims or those who report abusive conduct, employers could face a maximum three-year jail term and a fine of up to 30 million won ($25,423). But the law does not stipulate the punishment for a perpetrator.

*retaliatory: 보복
*discriminatory: 차별
*stipulate: 규정하다

기사 본문: 

2. S. Korean biz groups in emergency mode as Korea-Japan feud drags on

기사 요약: 일본의 수출 규제 조치에 따라 국내 기업들은 비상 대책 만들기에 돌입했다.

[1] South Korea’s major business groups are shifting to emergency mode, setting detailed contingency plans for a variety of scenarios amid concerns that the restrictions on exports of key tech materials from Japan to Korea could stay in place for a long time, according to the industry on Monday.

*emergency mode: 비상 모드
*setting: 만들다
*contingency plan: 긴급 대책
*variety: 다양한

[2] The leaders of the country’s five biggest conglomerates -- Samsung Electronics, Hyundai Motor Group, SK Group, LG Group and Lotte Group -- are tightening their reins on the groups’ operations, bracing for possible ripple effects on the global economy and business environment as a result of Japan’s decision.

*conglomerate: 대기업
*rein: 통제, 고삐
*ripple effect: 파급 효과
*brace for A: A에 대비해

[3] Samsung Electronics Vice Chairman Lee Jae-yong is spearheading an array of contingency plans.

*spearhead: 진두지휘하다
*array of: 다수의

기사 본문: