The Korea Herald


블록체인 기반 메신저 ‘비챗(BeeChat)’ 한국 공략

By Kim Ji-hyun

Published : June 26, 2018 - 15:51

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블록체인계의 위챗으로 통하는 모바일 매신저 앱 ‘비챗(BeeChat)’이 한국시장에 공식 진출한다.

비챗은 오는 30일 코엑스에서 론칭쇼를 열고 1억원 상당의 코인을 에어드랍하면서 한국에 첫발을 디디게 된다.

지난 10월 출시 이후 이미 전세계적으로 수천만명의 이용자들을 보유한 비챗은 한국론칭을 통해 국내 블록체인 및 가상화폐 커뮤니티를 적극 공략한다는 계획이다. 

비챗은 중국의 이더리움 격인 퀀텀(Qtum) 기반의 분산형 앱이다. 최대 3만명까지 그룹채팅이 가능하고 이외에 암호화폐 지갑, 송금, 골든포켓 등의 추가 기능을 탑재했다. 지갑은 비트코인, 이더리움, 이오스 등을 이용할 수 있다.

비챗은 또한 가상의 암호화 강아지를 입양하고 키울 수 있는 블록체인 기반 게임 “창세신견”을 출시해이용자들이 블록체인을 좀 더 친숙하게 접할 수 있도록 돕고 있다.

박가영/코리아헤럴드 (

(관련 영문 기사)

[THE INVESTOR] As blockchain-backed services move to embrace the masses, one startup aims to serve the fast-growing community of enthusiasts, followers, experts, investors and engineers who have yet to find a “go-to” place.

China-based BeeChat is the first blockchain-based messenger app that also provides cryptocurrency distribution channels and other functions for the fast-growing industry. Built on QTUM, a decentralized blockchain application platform developed by Singapore-based QTUM Foundation, it has attracted 10 million registered users since its launch in October.

BeeChat, whose nickname is Little WeChat, offers chat functions that can facilitate up to 30,000 people in a single group, audio messaging and video call services. It also runs a media platform. Available in 30 languages, a digital wallet is integrated so that users can easily store, receive and send 12 major digital currencies in real time to other users.

It also has a blockchain-based gaming platform “CryptoPuppies,” which is an interactive game where users can collect, adopt, breed and trade virtual puppies over a blockchain network via smart contracts. Part of CryptoPuppies’ aim is to help new users familiarize with the workings of blockchain and smart contract transactions.

For industry leaders, Beechat offers initial coin offerings and airdrops to connect with fan bases, while for developers, it provides services such as third-party developer tools, data tracking and analytics among others.

Many of the underlying services offered are based on blockchain technology, such as the ones used to map interrelationships and social connections between users, the company said.

BeeChat, which recently launched a Korean version, will hold an official launch event in Seoul on June 30.

By Park Ga-young (