The Korea Herald


[번역스쿨] 목표설정의 중요성

By Korea Herald

Published : Aug. 10, 2015 - 08:54

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[예제 221] Mere involvement and simple acceptance do not necessarily lead to the development of authentic self-esteem because they can convey the mistaken impression that self-esteem is automatic, not earned. Clearly defined expectations and well-maintained limits are parental attitudes and behaviors associated with developing positive self-esteem in children. Setting high but not impossible expectations, for instance, involves providing clear standards that help the development of the skills necessary to achieve competence. Setting goals and holding reasonably high behavioral standards also lets children know that certain forms of behavior are desirable, good, or “worthy” and, therefore, to be aspired to and strived toward. Such expectations also define the limits of behavior and help children make the important discovery that some forms of behavior are unacceptable or even unworthy, which may be just as important in healthy development.

[번역 포인트]
Setting goals and holding reasonably high behavioral standards also lets children know that certain forms of behavior are desirable, good, or “worthy” and, therefore, to be aspired to and strived toward.
<직역> 목표들을 설정하고 합리적으로 높은 행동의 기준들 또한 어린이들이 행동의 특정 형태들이 바람직하거나, 좋거나, 또는 “가치가 있고,” 따라서, 열망을 받고 향하여 노력이 기울여진다는 것을 알도록 해준다.
<번역> 목표를 정하고 적당히 높은 행동 기준을 유지하는 것 또한 어린이들로 하여금 특정 형태의 행동이 바람직하거나, 좋거나 “가치가 있고,” 따라서 열망하고 노력을 기울일 만한 것이라는 점을 알도록 해준다.

Such expectations also define the limits of behavior and help children make the important discovery that some forms of behavior are unacceptable or even unworthy, which may be just as important in healthy development.
<직역> 그런 기대들은 또한 행동의 한계들을 규정하고 어린이들이 행동의 어떤 형태들은 용인될 수 없거나 또는 심지어 가치가 없다는 중요한 발견을 하도록 도와주는데, 그것은 아마도 건강한 발달에서 똑같이 중요할 것이다.
<번역> 그런 기대는 또한 행동의 범위를 규정해주고, 어린이가 특정 형태의 행동은 용인될 수 없거나 심지어는 가치가 없다는 중요한 발견을 할 수 있게 해준다. 아마도 이것은 건강한 발달에서도 똑같이 중요할 것이다.

[예제 222] Off in the distance General Longstreet picked up a conversation between two men. It was an argument. One man must have found out that the other had some sort of sympathy for the Union Army across the way. He became very angry and very violent, and he said bad things about the Union Army. The other man responded to his friend’s comments by explaining that he was not siding with them, and that he would never side with them. He was only making a point that he had three cousins across the field, and he hoped that they were still alive and well. The angry man settle down, apologized, and told his friend that, after all, he and his cousins had chosen their sides of the fight, and that it would be God’s way to decide which of them would be able to go home. The Union “sympathizer” held his head low. The other man came over to him, rubbed his head, and told the man, “I sure hope that you are the one going home.”