The Korea Herald


President Lee's elder brother denies suspicion of bribery


Published : Feb. 29, 2012 - 16:30

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Prosecutors said Wednesday they have found evidence of bribe taking by an elder brother of President Lee Myung-bak or associates of the brother, and plan to launch an investigation into allegations he took money in exchange for helping salvage a troubled savings bank.

Rep. Lee Sang-deuk, 77, who is also a lawmaker of the ruling Saenuri Party, or his associates are suspected of taking hundreds of millions of won, equivalent to hundreds of thousands of U.S.

dollars, from Prime Savings Bank before its operations were suspended last September, prosecutors said.

It marks the first time the elder Lee has become a target in prosecutors' ongoing investigation into a series of corruption scandals related to a number of now-suspended savings banks.

Earlier this month, prosecutors said they were investigating the possible source of about 700 million won (US$624,164) found in a bank account belonging to an aide to the elder Lee.

Prosecutors are expected to launch a separate investigation if they are able to confirm links between the period when the elder Lee or his associates allegedly took bribes and the time when the 700 million won was paid into the account, between September 2009 and November 2011.

Lee has denied all allegations, saying he was never asked for favors by any of the troubled savings banks.

In a press release later in the day, the elder Lee insisted on his innocence and vowed to take legal steps to repair his reputation.

"Not only have I taken responsibility for poorly managing my associate by announcing I will not run in the (April) general elections, but I have also apologized deeply to the people on numerous occasions," he wrote. "I swear upon my honor it is not true I lobbied for a certain savings bank in return for money."

The lawmaker was referring to another of his aides who was charged in December with receiving bribes from a different savings bank in exchange for influence-peddling.

"I have tolerated similar reports on the basis that is the fate of a public figure, (but from now on) I will demand accountability by all means under civil and criminal law," he said. (Yonhap News)


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"민ㆍ형사상 모든 조치 통해 책임 가릴 것"

새누리당 이상득 의원은 29일 자신이 영업정지된 프라임저축은행으로부터 로비청탁과 함께 수억원대의 금품을 수수했다는 언론보도에 대해 "사실무근"이라고 일축했다.

이 의원은 보도자료를 통해 "저는 보좌관을 잘 관리하지 못한 책임을 지고 총선 불출마를 선언했을 뿐만 아니라 여러 차례 국민 여러분께 깊이 사과드린 바 있다"면 서 "그러나 제가 돈을 받고 특정 저축은행의 로비를 했다는 내용은 저의 모든 명예를 걸고 결단코 사실이 아니다"고 부인했다.

그는 "확인되지도 않은 내용을 `검찰에서 흘러나왔다'며 확정적 표현으로 보도하는 것은 기업과 국회에서 수십 년간 쌓아 온 저의 명예를 송두리째 훼손하는 것"이라면서 "이와 비슷한 보도가 있을 때마다 공인으로서의 숙명으로 여기고 인내해 왔지만 (앞으로는) 부득이 민ㆍ형사상 모든 조치를 통해 책임을 가릴 것"이라고 강조했다.

그는 "`채선당'이나 소위 `국물녀' 사건처럼 확인되지 않은 것으로 인해 개인이나 기업의 명예가 일순간에 큰 타격을 입을 수 있는데 나중에 진실이 드러나도 그 후유증은 치유하기 어렵다"면서 "저의 진심을 믿어주시고 검찰수사가 끝날 때까지 기다려 달라"고 당부했다.