The Korea Herald


Star Wars trooper walks across Australia for charity

By 황장진

Published : July 18, 2011 - 15:43

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An Australian man is walking across his country wearing a Storm Trooper outfit from movie “Star Wars” to raise money to help seriously ill children.

Jacob French, 20, aims to make $50,000 to donate to the Starlight Children’s Foundation, an organization for youngsters with life-threatening diseases.



“Starting in July 2011 I aim to walk from Perth (Western Australia) to Sydney (New South Wales). Over the course of the trek I will cross 4 states and cover approximately 5,000 kilometers in modified Storm Trooper armor,” French said on his Internet homepage.

He is a member of the 501st Legion of Storm Troopers, a group of Star Wars fans who dress like the movie’s characters and engage in a variety of activities for charity and public good.

He said that he would walk 35 to 40 kilometers a day, five days a week, with his 50-kilogram trolley. The outfit weighs about 10 kilograms.

He is posting pictures and stories from the journey in his Facebook account, flooded with messages of support from visitors.

By Kang, Yoon-seung
Intern reporter

Jacob French’s project Facebook:
Jacob French’s project website:

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스타워즈 복장 남성, 자선 기금 모으기 위해 호주 횡단

호주의 한 남성이 영화 “스타워즈”의 등장인물인 “스톰 트루퍼” 복장을 하고 전국을 걸으며 자선 모금 캠페인에 나섰다 .

Jacob French (20)은 치명적인 질병을 앓고 있는 아동을 위한 비영리 단체 Starlight Children’s Foundation에 기부할 5만 불을 모으는 것을 목표로 하고 있다.

그는 스타워즈 캐릭터 분장을 하고 다양한 공익 활동을 벌이는 이들의 모임인 “501st Legion of Storm Troopers”의 회원이다.

French는 10 kg에 달하는 의상을 입고 50 kg의 트롤리를 끌고 일주일에 5일, 하루에 35-40km를 걷고 있다.

그는 자신의 페이스북에 이야기와 사진을 올리며 많은 방문자들의 성원을 받고 있다.