The Korea Herald


Seven out of 10 workers regret changing jobs

By 양승진

Published : April 10, 2011 - 11:10

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Seven out of 10 people who have changed their jobs regret their decision, research showed Friday.

Job site Saramin ( said that 67 percent of respondents were not satisified with their new jobs in a survey conducted on 1,409 Koreans who have sought new opportunities in different companies.

In the survey, 34.3 percent of those answered said they regret their decision because "the new company is not as good as initially thought." About 26 percent complained about poor company benefits, followed by problems in getting along with new bosses and colleagues (24.1 percent), and stress from adjusting to a new job (18.8 percent).

Of those who expressed their dissatisfaction with new jobs, 47.5 percent said they had started looking for another job, 36.8 percent were trying to adapt to their new jobs, and 6.5 percent had quit right away.

The survey also revealed that 54.5 percent want to go back to their original workplaces.

By Kang Yoon-seung (
Intern reporter

<관련 한글 기사>

이직자 67% “일터 옮긴 것 후회”

이직자 10명 중 7명은 직장을 바꾼 것을 후회한 적이 있는 것으로 조사됐다.

취업포털 사람인이 이직경험이 있는 직장인 1천409명을 대상으로 설문한 결과 67.1%가 ‘이직을 후회할 때가 있다’고 답했다.

그 이유(복수응답)로는 ‘새로운 기업이 생각보다 부실해서’라는 답변이 34.3%로 가장 많았고, ‘복리후생 등 조건이 나빠서’(26%)라는 답변이 뒤를 이었다.

또 ‘업무내용이 기대에 못 미쳐서’(25.7%), ‘새로운 상사 및 동료들과 업무 스타일이 안 맞아서’(24.1%), ‘새 업무에 적응해야 하는 부담이 커서’(18.8%) 등의 이유를 들었다.

이직을 후회한다고 답한 직장인 중 47.5%는 ‘일단 새 직장에 다니면서 다시 이직할 준비를 했다’고 밝혔다.

36.8%는 ‘새 회사에 적응하기 위해 노력했다’고 답했으며 ‘곧바로 퇴사했다’는 답변도 6.4%를 차지했다.
