The Korea Herald


Gong Li, Tang Wei set to visit Korea

By 이다영

Published : Jan. 17, 2011 - 10:34

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Prominent Chinese-born actresses Gong Li and Tang Wei are to visit Korea in promotion of their upcoming films.

Gong, who last year finished shooting her latest film “Shanghai,” a mystery thriller co-starring American actor John Cusack, will make her very first visit to Seoul on Jan. 23. 
Chinese-born actress Gong Li’s latest film is “Shanghai,” a mystery-thriller co-starring John Cusack and Chow Yun-fat. (Yonhap News.) Chinese-born actress Gong Li’s latest film is “Shanghai,” a mystery-thriller co-starring John Cusack and Chow Yun-fat. (Yonhap News.)

She will attend a press conference and other promotional events the next day.

Directed by Swedish director Mikael Hafstrom, “Shanghai” tells the story of Paul Soames (John Cusack), an American agent from the Naval Intelligence Office who arrives in Shanghai during World War II to visit his friend only to find he has been murdered.

Gong stars as Anna Lan-Ting, a beautiful, seductive Shanghai woman whose husband is the city’s gangster boss.

In the process of investigating what is behind his friend’s death, Soames falls helplessly in love with Anna, and runs into trouble with her powerful and devoted husband, Anthony Lan-Ting (Chow Yun-fat).

Gong, who now holds Singaporean citizenship, rose to international prominence for her roles in renowned Chinese director Zhang Yimou’s films from the late 1980s to mid 1990s.

She won numerous awards, including the Cannes Festival Trophy, New York Film Critics Circle Award, and the People’s Hundred Flowers Awards, one of the most prestigious film awards in China.

Tang will visit Korea next month in promotion of the soon-to-be released Korean-American collaboration “Late Autumn.” 
Chinese actress Tang Wei poses at a press conference in Seoul for her film “Lust, Caution” in 2007. (Yonhap News.) Chinese actress Tang Wei poses at a press conference in Seoul for her film “Lust, Caution” in 2007. (Yonhap News.)

A remake of Korean director Lee Man-hee’s 1966 film of the same title, “Late Autumn” tells the story of a Chinese female prisoner (Tang) who visits Seattle for her week-long vacation from jail.

There she runs into Korean-American Hoon (Hyun Bin) and the two spend the next three days together.

Directed by Korean director Kim Tae-yong, “Late Autumn” had its gala screening last year at Pusan International Film Festival and Toronto International Film Festival.

Born in 1979 in Zhejiang Province, China, Tang studied at the Central Academy of Drama in Beijing.

She came to international prominence in Taiwanese-American director Ang Lee’s sensual thriller “Lust, Caution” in 2007.

Tang was reportedly selected from more than 10,000 actresses for her role in the film.

Gong’s “Shanghai” opens in theaters in Korea on Jan. 27, while “Late Autumn” is expected to be released in mid-February.

By Claire Lee (


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겨울 극장가의 성수기를 맞아 해외 영화 스타들이 한국을 방문하면서우리 영화팬들이 세계적인 스타들을 가까이에서 만날 수 있는 좋은 추억이 될 것 같습니다. (연합뉴스)