The Korea Herald


Japanese FM puts inter-Korean dialogue ahead of Tokyo-Pyongyang talks

By 문예빈

Published : Jan. 16, 2011 - 10:27

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South Korean Foreign Minister Kim Sung-hwan, left, shakes hands with Japanese Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara at the joint news conference. (Yonhap News) South Korean Foreign Minister Kim Sung-hwan, left, shakes hands with Japanese Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara at the joint news conference. (Yonhap News)
Japan's foreign minister said Saturday that inter-Korean dialogue should be the starting point for talks with North Korea and urged the communist nation to take specific steps demonstrating its commitment to denuclearize.

"For dialogue with North Korea, the North should demonstrate through specific action its sincere willingness to carry out its own commitment to denuclearization," Seiji Maehara told a joint news conference after talks with South Korean Foreign Minister Kim Sung-hwan.

"Dialogue with North Korea should first be held between the South and the North," he said.

Maehara's one-day visit to Seoul came after he expressed an willingness to hold direct talks with North Korea this year to tackle Pyongyang's nuclear and missile programs and past abductions of Japanese nationals. Pyongyang welcomed the suggestion.

The move, however, had drawn concerns that it might send a wrong message to the North's provocative regime that is refusing to take responsibility for its deadly shelling of a South Korean island in November as well as its March sinking of a South Korean warship.

His remarks on Saturday dispelled such concern.    

Still, Maehara said that Japan wants to "resolve all issues between Japan and North Korea through dialogue" and that Tokyo-Pyongyang talks are not necessarily bound by six-party nuclear negotiations, suggesting that Tokyo would seek direct talks if the conditions are right.

"Japan-North Korea talks should take place under appropriate circumstances, with moves of six-party talks taken into consideration," Maehara said. He urged the North to show a "forward-looking and sincere attitude" to resolve the abduction issue as well as concerns about the North's nuclear and missile programs.

South Korea, the United States and Japan have taken a united stance on North Korea, urging the communist nation to first improve relations with South Korea and demonstrate its denuclearization commitment through action if six-party talks, suspended since December 2008, are to reopen.

Maehara said that Japan is firmly committed to the trilateral cooperation on North Korea.

Kim said he and Maehara reaffirmed that North Korea's uranium enrichment program is a violation of U.N. Security Council resolutions as well as Pyongyang's own 2005 pledge to end its nuclear program and that the two countries should respond sternly to the move.

In November, North Korea confirmed long-running suspicions that it has been seeking a uranium-based program to make nuclear bombs with revelations of an uranium enrichment plant at its main nuclear complex in Yongbyon. Uranium, if highly enriched, can be weapons-grade, giving Pyongyang a second way of building atomic bombs.

Relations between South Korea and Japan are in good shape after Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan offered a renewed apology in August for Tokyo's 1910-45 colonial rule of the Korean Peninsula, promising to return centuries-old royal Korean books to Seoul and take other steps backing up the apology.

Kim and Maehara told the conference that they agreed to work closely together to further move the bilateral relations forward and to realize the return of royal archives and other projects at an early date.

The two also discussed Japan's calls for greater security cooperation and a free trade agreement with South Korea.   

Maehara asked for an early resumption of free trade talks and the two sides agreed to keep working together to create the right atmosphere for it, Kim said.

Kim also said that the two sides agreed to seek security cooperation in a way that contributes to peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and the international community.

Earlier this week, Tokyo's defense minister visited Seoul for talks with his counterpart about forging what would be the first military cooperation agreement between the two sides.

Maehara had originally planned to make a two-day visit to South Korea, but cut it short because of a cabinet reshuffle undertaken on Friday. Maehara was scheduled to pay a courtesy call to South Korean President Lee Myung-bak and meet with Unification Minister Hyun In-taek later in the day. (Yonhap News)

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양국 외교장관은 이날 서울 도렴동 외교통상부 청사에서 회담을 가진 직후 공동 기자회견에서 이같이 밝혔다.

김성환 장관은 "한일 양국간에는 일단 남북대화가 선행돼야 한다는데 공통의 인식을 갖고 있고 오늘 회담에서도 이를 확인했다"며 "이 같은 양국간 공통이해를  바탕으로 (북.일대화가) 진행될 것으로 기대를 하고 있다"고 말했다.

마에하라 외무상은 "연평도 포격사건 등을 감안해 북한과의 대화에 앞서 먼저 남북대화가 이뤄져야 한다고 생각한다"며 "한.미.일 세나라가 긴밀하게 공조하면서 북한과의 대화를 추진하는 게 중요하다고 생각한다"고 밝혔다.

마에하라 외무상은 그러나 "북일대화가 6자회담 개최에만 한정된 것은 아니라고 생각한다"며 "북일대화는 6자회담의 움직임을 감안하면서 적절한 상황하에서 이뤄져야 한다고 보고 있다"고 말했다.

마에하라 외무상의 이 같은 발언은 장기간 해결되지 않고 있는 납치.미사일  문제 등을 다루기 위해 북일 대화를 적극 추진해나가되, 구체적인 추진시점은 한국 정부 등과 협의를 거치겠다는 의미로 풀이된다.

이에 앞서 마에하라 외상은 지난 11일 기자회견에서 6자회담과 관계없이  '백지 상태'에서 북일 대화를 추진하겠다고 발언한 바 있다.

 김 장관과 마에하라 외무상은 또 회담에서 북한의 우라늄 농축 프로그램(UEP)이 유엔 안전보장이사회 결의와 9.19 공동성명의 위반임을 재확인하고 국제사회가 이에 단호히 대응해 나가야 한다는데 의견을 같이했다.

남북대화와 관련해 김 장관은 "우리 정부는 ▲천안함과 연평도에 대해 책임있는 조치가 있어야 하고 ▲이 같은 사태가 다시 재발되지 않도록 해야하며 ▲북한이  비핵화에 대해서도 진정성을 확인해야 한다는 입장을 북한에 제의했다"며 "북한이  아직 대답을 하지 않아 이 문제에 대해 어떻게 할 것인지를 기다리고 있는 상태"라고 말했다.

마에하라 외무상은 "북한이 구체적인 행동을 취하는 것이 중요하고 남북대화가 우선적으로 이뤄져야 한다"며 "앞으로도 확실하게 한.미.일 공조로 진행해나갈 생각"이라고 밝히고 "북한이 납치문제와 핵문제, 미사일 문제 등 제반문제 해결을 위한 전향적이면서도 성의있는 대응을 북한이 보이는 것이 중요하다고 생각한다"고  강조했다.

조선왕실의궤 등 도서반환 문제에 대해 김 장관은 "일본 국회의 심의가 원만히 진행돼 조속한 시일 내에 반환받을 수 있도록 일본 정부가 협조해달라"고  요청했으며 마에하라 외무상은 "지난 8월 총리 담화의 후속조치를 착실히 이행할 것이며  특히 한.일 도서협정에 대해서는 제가 조기 인도실현을 위해 노력하겠다"고 밝혔다.

또 김 장관은 사할린한인 지원과 민간인 유골봉환 문제에 대해 적극  협조해달라고 요청했으며 마에하라 외무상도 "같이 노력해보자"고 답변했다. (연합뉴스)